CCNS .mp3 Archive 2005
The following is a listing of the CCNS News Update going back to January 5, 2005.
Click on the links below to download the audio version of both the latest CCNS News Update and archived Updates. The files are in .mp3 format.
If you wish to broadcast the CCNS News Update on your local radio stations, please contact CCNS at (505) 986-1973.
December 28, 2005
Critics Say Rocky Flats Has Not Been Cleaned Up
December 21, 2005
NMED Proposes Hotter Waste At WIPP
December 14, 2005
Unregulated Nuclear Waste Discovered at Sandia National Laboratory
December 7, 2005
New Report Says Plutonium Misplaced by LANL
November 30, 2005
Remote-Handled Waste May Go To WIPP
November 23, 2005
Richardson Signs Environmental Justice Executive Order
November 16, 2005
New Report on Yucca Mountain Licensing Process
November 9, 2005
Nuclear Material Removed from LANL's TA-18
November 2, 2005
Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel Proposed
October 26, 2005
Partial Cleanup at Rocky Flats Completed
October 19, 2005
Security Issues Unresolved at DOE Sites
October 12, 2005
LANL Wells Could Hide Groundwater Contamination
October 5, 2005
Navajo Nation Receives Congressional Support for Uranium Ban
September 28, 2005
LANL Behind on Tests Critical to the Stockpile Stewardship Program
September 21, 2005
Construction of New LANL Nuclear Facility Will Require a Permit
September 14, 2005
Pentagon Plan Includes Preemptive Use of Nuclear Weapons
September 7, 2005
Fire Protection Program at LANL Deficient
August 31, 2005
Scientists Discuss the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator
August 24, 2005
LANL Ships Sealed Plutonium Sources To WIPP
August 17, 2005
New Report Recommends Cuts to DOE Budget for FY 2006
August 10, 2005
Drinking Water Standards For Plutonium 100 Times Too Weak
August 3, 2005
Proposed Resolution Calls for Compliance with the Nonproliferation Treaty
July 27, 2005
Community events commemorate the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
July 20, 2005
Panel Promotes Consolidation of the Nuclear Weapons Complex
July 13, 2005
Recent Report Recommends New Nuclear Weapons
July 6, 2005
Low Levels of Radiation Pose Threat to Health
June 29, 2005
Citizen Action Sues New Mexico Environment Department
June 22, 2005
Censored Reports On Postwar Nagasaki Surface
June 15, 2005
DOE Proposes Major Changes to WIPP Operating Permit
June 8, 2005
Governor Strikes Deal on LES Waste
June 1, 2005
House Supports Commercial Waste Storage at DOE Sites
May 25, 2005
DOE Requests Proposals to Manage LANL
May 18, 2005
Congress Cuts Funding for Bunker Buster
May 11, 2005
U.S. Representatives Urge Congress to Rescind Funding for Nuclear Bunker Buster
May 4, 2005
LANL Proposes to Expand Area G
April 27, 2005
DOE Releases Final Environmental Impact Statement for Livermore
April 20, 2005
New Reports Analyze DOE Budget for 2006
April 13, 2005
WIPP Shipments from LANL to Resume
April 6, 2005
World Leaders Promote Stronger Support for NPT
March 30, 2005
NMED Issues Open Burning and Detonation Permits for LANL
March 23, 2005
Clark University Critiques Cerro Grande Fire Risk Assessment
March 16, 2005
New Report Discusses Health Effects of Depleted Uranium
March 9, 2005
Western Shoshone Sue to Stop Yucca Mountain
March 2, 2005
LANL Cleanup Order Finalized
February 23, 2005
Additional Funding for NMED Oversight Bureau Proposed in NM State Legislature
February 16, 2005
LANL Waste Shipments Four Years Behind Schedule
February 9, 2005
LANL Receives Budget Increase for 2006
February 2, 2005
Proposed Legislation Would Cap NMED's Power to Fine Polluters
January 26, 2005
Court Upholds Washington's Right to Prohibit Mixed Waste
January 19, 2005
NNSA Holds Meeting on Scope of LANL Environmental Impact Statement
January 12, 2005
Bush Picks Samuel Bodman as DOE Secretary
January 5, 2005
NNSA to Prepare Environmental Impact Statement for LANL

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