CCNS .mp3 Archive 2005
The following is a listing of the CCNS News Update going back to January 4, 2006.
Click on the links below to download the audio version of both the latest CCNS News Update and archived Updates. The files are in .mp3 format.
If you wish to broadcast the CCNS News Update on your local radio stations, please contact CCNS at (505) 986-1973.
December 29, 2006
DOE Proposes Cleanup Plan for LANL Legacy Dump
December 22, 2006
Little Known One Year After Chromium Contamination Reported
December 15, 2006
Declaration of the Indigenous World Uranium Summit
December 8, 2006
DOE Shuts Down Idaho Shipments to WIPP
December 1, 2006
Documentary About Atomic Bomb Survivors in Santa Fe Film Festival
November 24, 2006
Public Hearings to be Held about New Nuclear Weapons Proposal
November 17, 2006
DOE Plans Next Generation of Nuclear Weapons
November 10, 2006
Activists from the Former Soviet Union Visit Santa Fe
November 3, 2006
LANL Receives Fifth Cleanup Violation in Four Months
October 27, 2006
Drug Bust Finds Classified LANL Documents
October 18, 2006
Richardson Approves Hotter Waste at WIPP and Bioneers Pannel Will Discuss LANL Contamination
October 11, 2006
DOE Proposes New Complex 2030 for Nuclear Weapons
October 4, 2006
Joint UNM and Sandia RRW Forum Did Not Facilitate Public Dialogue
September 27, 2006
LANL Faces Fine of Nearly $800,000
September 20, 2006
Gathering for Mother Earth To Be Held this Weekend, September 23 and 24 and Draft LANL SWEIS Public Comment Period Still Open
September 13, 2006
NEF Will Generate Un-Disposable Waste
September 6, 2006
Dr. Arjun Makhijani to Speak in Santa Fe on September 14th
August 30, 2006
Santa Fe Opposes Expanded Nuclear Weapons Production at LANL
August 23, 2006
Pantex Contamination Found in Ogallala Aquifer
August 16, 2006
Divine Strake Detonation May Come to New Mexico
August 9, 2006
Public Opposes Nuclear Weapons Production at Los Alamos National Laboratory
August 3, 2006
Community Events Held to Observe the 61st Anniversary of the Nuclear Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
July 26, 2006
DOE Proposes Quadrupling Plutonium Pit Production at LANL
July 19, 2006
LANL Waste Dumped at County Landfill
July 12, 2006
New Mexico Senators Oppose Expanding Russian Uranium Imports
July 5, 2006
DOE Releases Site Wide Environmental Impact Statement and Report Says LANL and Sandia Mismanage High Explosives
June 28, 2006
NRC Grants License for the National Enrichment Facility
June 21, 2006
Many Oppose DOE Proposal to Dismantle Office of Environment, Safety and Health and
Kyle Amendment Dropped from DOD Authorization Bill
June 14, 2006
Brooks Hid Hacker Penetration of NNSA Computers and
Mayors Ask Governments that No City Be Made a Nuclear Target
June 7, 2006
International Commission Recommends Change In Approach To Nuclear Weapons
May 31, 2006
LANL Makes Transition to New Management and the Divine Strake Experiment Delayed Indefinitely
May 24, 2006
Citizen Groups Send Clean Water Act Notice of Intent to Sue to LANL
May 17, 2006
House Committee Cuts Funding for Plutonium Facility
May 10, 2006
Negotiated Agreement Reached on Draft WIPP Permit
May 3, 2006
Issues at Hanford Raise Questions About Bechtel
April 26, 2006
New Reports Find Effects of Chernobyl Disaster Underestimated
April 19, 2006
Toxic Chromium Found in Regional Aquifer
April 12, 2006
Bush Announces Plans For New Nuclear Weapons Complex
April 5, 2006
700 Ton Explosion Planned for the Nevada Test Site
March 29, 2006
Trident Britain and the United States Conduct Joint Sub-Critical Nuclear Test
March 22, 2006
United Nations Finds US in Violation of Human Rights of Western Shoshone
March 15, 2006
WIPP Hearing Rescheduled and LANL Wastewater Discharge Permit Meeting To Be Held on Monday, March 20th
March 8, 2006
Plutonium Pits May Last Longer
March 3, 2006
Public WIPP Hearing Scheduled To Begin On March 29
Febuary 22, 2006
Los Alamos County Opposes Expansion of Area G at LANL
Febuary 15, 2006
NRC Rules In Favor of Uranium Mining Company
Febuary 8, 2006
First Fish Consumption Advisory Issued for Rio Grande
Febuary 1, 2006
Upcoming Forum Will Discuss Draft WIPP Permit
January 25, 2006
Reliable Replacement Warhead Program Will Lead to New Nukes
January 18, 2006
Plutonium Fueled Space Probe Launched
January 11, 2006
DOE and UC Request Cancellation of Open Burning Permits at LANL
January 4, 2006
DOE Will Prepare Environmental Impact Statement for Biosafety Level-3 Facility

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