Exhibit 6: CCNS and EVEMG Multimedia Comments Regarding
The Draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for
Los Alamos National Laboratory

CCNS and the Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group (EVEMG) submitted a selection of images as an Exhibit to out comments regarding the draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement. These images are an official part of our comments and require consideration and response under the National Environmental Policy Act. We requested, and eagerly await, a response in-kind from DOE.

Guernica by Picasso
Guernica, Picasso.
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/74/PicassoGuernica.jpg

Hiroshima Human Shadow
Human Shadow from Hiroshima
Source: http://netcoop.airpost.net/HiroshimaHumanShadow374x512.jpg

Hiroshima Human Shadow
Human Shadow from Hiroshima
Source: http://barista.media2.org/wp-content/hiroshima%20shadow.jpg

Hiroshima Human Shadow
Human Shadow from Hiroshima
Source: http://history.independence.co.jp/ww2/raid/h02.jpg

Hiroshima Human Shadow
Human Shadow from Hiroshima
Source: http://www.24hourmuseum.org.uk/content/images/2003_0126.JPG

Survivor of the Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
Survivor of the Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
Source: http://www.aldeaeducativa.com/IMAGES/hiroshima02.jpg

Survivor of the Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
Survivor of the Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
Source: http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/photospecials/graph/050806hiroshima/52.jpg

Survivor of the Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
Survivor of the Hiroshima Atomic Bombing
Source: http://www.damninteresting.net/content/hibakusha_burns_2.jpg

Don't Let New Mexico Go to the Pits!
Public Opposition to the Modern Pit Facility.
Source: The Santa Fe New Mexican

Peace Sign
Peace Sign.
Source: www.raventalk.com

The Rio Grande
The Rio Grande
Source: www.teamten.com

Children in the former Soviet Union with CCNS Yo-yos
Children in the former Soviet Union play with CCNS Yo-yos.

Children in the former Soviet Union with CCNS Yo-yos
Children in the former Soviet Union with CCNS Yo-yos.

Nuclear Transformation
LANL's mission must be changed to life affirming research such as renewable energy and sophisticated clean up technologies.
Source: www.trivalleycares.org

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