Transporting waste thru NM

Posted by Tom Wentzell on March 23, 1999 at 12:31:57:

I thought you might like to hear from someone who will be dodging these WIPP trucks on a daily basis. I live in Roswell NM and the waste trucks will be coming thru our city from all the facilities in the West. There is a bypass route around the city but as yet our city has not been able to force truckers to use it since route 285 is not under their jurisdiction. This means that we could have these waste trucks going thru the heart of our downtown tho hopefully the containment vessels will be too high to clear the only bridge over the route. The Bypass Route also poses some problems as it it the site of many deadly accidents due to poor layout of sight lines plus the fact it intersects Rte 70 (where there have been numerous accidents). Many of you don't realize that due to the NAFTA treaty with Mexico that this year trucks from Mexico will now be able to freely drive throughout the southern US and historically, local inspections of these trucks shown them to be in very unsafe condition and the drivers not familiar with US driving habits. In my opinion it'll only be a matter of time before one of the WIPP trucks has a serious accident..let's all hope that the design work and testing on the containment vessels has been done correctly and that they do it downwind of Roswell... BTW I'm not opposed to the burying of this waste (better to have it underground in a stable environment) but I question the use of Carlsbad as the ideal location...they had a 4.0 earthquake there last week !!

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