Transportation safety

Posted by John Tauxe on March 24, 1999 at 16:41:28:

In Reply to: WHO SAID THEY WERE SAFE ????? posted by RON on March 24, 1999 at 14:25:46:

Ron -

In response to your comments concerning the safety of the transportation, you missed K.T.'s point. The WIPP TRU-Pack trucks are WAY safer than any other trucks on the road. I'd much rather drive next to one of these than a gasoline truck. The WIPP trucks have, in fact, undergone signficant testing, including head-on collisions with concrete walls, and broadside collisions with trains. The shipping casks survive.

U.S. 285 is indeed a dangerous road, thanks to our fellow New Mexico drivers. The WIPP trucks are scheduled to drive the roads during the hours of least traffic, and will probably be the safest things on the road.

If you want your kids to live a long life, I suggest you 1) keep them from smoking, and 2) move away from the dangerous road. They are much more likely to be killed by a drunk driver than by a WIPP truck. Keep perspective.

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