True Colors

Posted by Tim Wheeler on March 26, 1999 at 13:28:20:

In Reply to: WIPP posted by Myla Reson on March 13, 1999 at 17:40:19:


You show your true colors when you say that:
"Personally I believe that the solutions will
come when we have veered from the dangerous
course of the design and development of
thermonuclear weapons of mass destruction. "

Wether or not to stop developing and deploying nuclear
weapons is a political issue with no techincal link
to the disposal of radioactive wastes. Your statement
revels so much about the disengenious tactics of
the anti-nuclear activists. There is nothing wrong
with WIPP technically, it just doesn't serve their
political agenda. If it did, anti-nuclear activists
would be dancing with joy and thumping on Buddist
prayer drums at the mouth of the WIPP shaft.

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