Karst and WIPP

Posted by Myla Reson on May 21, 1999 at 11:41:06:

In Reply to: Science and WIPP posted by John Tauxe on May 20, 1999 at 08:24:37:

Mr. Tauxe -
WIPP is not accepable and it is not a solution. It is not acceptable because the site is not suitable for the disposal of any toxic material. It is not a solution because less than two percent of existing DoE TRU waste is slated for disposal at WIPP.

The site is not suitable because of it's proximity to the Pecos River, because of the highly pressurized brine resevoir below the salado formation and because of the high probability of karst which would lead to rapid discharge of plutonium and other contaminants to the Pecos River. There is also a very real problem with gas and mineral resources and the liklihood of future exploration for these resources. The EPA tailored the regs to fit the site and not to protect the environment. If they had apllied the same criteria that was used at Lyons Kansas the site would not have been approved.

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