Training and Response Survey for
Emergency Medical Personnel To WIPP Transportation Incidents 6/99

This is a survey conducted by the New Mexico Department of Health along the north/south WIPP transportation routes within New Mexico (see other side for a map of the routes). The survey is designed to gather information about WIPP medical preparedness from management and responder perspectives. The survey will be used to determine training and equipment needs. There are four survey forms to gather the information.

1. Emergency Medical Services - Local Responders Survey
2. Emergency Medical Services - Directors Survey
3. Hospital Emergency Department - Staff Survey
4. Hospital Emergency Department - Directors Survey

The survey forms will be mailed separately, one to every EMS provider and every EMS agency registered with the Department of Health. Surveys for emergency department managers and employees will be mailed to identified hospitals. A site visit has been tentatively scheduled in the Emergency Department (or as noted) at each location listed below. You may bring the survey to the location listed if you have questions or additional comments. Please call 505-476-7000 ex. 123 to confirm the exact time and location.

Las Vegas June 28, 1999Northeastern Regional Medical Center9:00 a.m.
RatonJune 28, 1999Miner's Colfax Medical Center3:00 p.m.
Espa–olaJune 29, 1999Espa–ola General Hospital9:00 a.m.
Los AlamosJune 29, 1999Los Alamos Medical Center11:00 a.m.
PojoaqueJune 29, 1999Pojoaque Pueblo Emergency Management Office2:00 p.m.
Santa FeJune 29, 1999St. Vincent's Hospital4:00 p.m.
AlbuquerqueJuly 1, 1999University of New Mexico Hospital9:00 a.m.
Veteran's Administration Med. Center1:30 p.m.
Santa RosaJuly 7, 1999Guadalupe County Medical Center10:00 a.m.
RoswellJuly 7, 1999Eastern New Mexico Medical Center3:00 p.m.
ArtesiaJuly 8, 1999Artesia General Hospital9:00 a.m.
CarlsbadJuly 8, 1999Medical Center of Carlsbad3:00 p.m.
HobbsJuly 8, 1999Lea Regional Medical Center3:00 p.m.
VaughnJuly 9, 1999Vaughn Ambulance Service11:00 a.m.

Surveys may be mailed to Ralph Davis at the address below not later than August 1, 1999. Surveys received after that time will not be registered. Questions about the survey may be directed to:

Ralph Davis, WIPP Medical Preparedness Coordinator Telephone: 505-476-7000 ex. 123
Injury Prevention and EMS Bureau Fax: 505-476-7010
New Mexico Dept. of Health Email:
P.O. Box 26110
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502

WIPP transportation routes are I-25 south from the Colorado border to US 285 at Lamy and from Los Alamos National Laboratory (TA-54) on NM4 to NM 502, then south on US 84/285 (at Pojoaque) and continue south on US 84/285 to NM 599 around the west side of Santa Fe, then north on I- 25 to US 285 and south to US 62-180 in Carlsbad and east to the WIPP site. The section of I-40 east of Clines Corners, while a designated route, is not likely to be used. There are no alternate or secondary routes. (See map below.)

Cities that will be surveyed include Raton, Maxwell, Springer, Wagon Mound, Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Albuquerque, Moriarty, Santa Rosa, Vaughn, Encino, Roswell, Artesia, Atoka, Carlsbad, Loving and Hobbs. Unincorporated communities will be surveyed in the county areas along WIPP routes as well. Those counties are Colfax, Mora, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Bernalillo, Torrance, Guadalupe, Chaves, Eddy and Lea.

When possible, Native American tribes will be surveyed including San Ildefonso, Nambe, Pojoaque and Tesuque.
