Links and Resources

[A B C D E F G HI J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]


    Amigos Bravos

    Albuquerque Office
    1608 Isleta Boulevard SW
    Albuquerque, NM 87105
    Tel. 505/452-9387; Fax 505/452-9554

    Taos Office
    P.O.Box 238 / 106 Dona Luz
    Taos, NM 87571
    505/758-3874; Fax: 505/758-7345

    Protecting and restoring New Mexico's rivers since 1988.

    Alliance for Nuclear Accountability

    Seattle Office
    1914 N. 34th St., Suite 407
    Seattle, WA 98103
    Tel. 206/547.3175; Fax 206/547.7158

    Washington, DC Office:
    322 4th Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20002
    202/544-0217; Fax: 202/544-6143

    A national network of organizations working to address issues of nuclear weapons production and waste cleanup.


    Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
    PO Box 88
    Glendale Springs, NC 28629
    Tel. 336/982-2691; fax 336/982-2954

    The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) is a regional, community-based, non-profit environmental organization. Our founding principles are earth stewardship, environmental democracy, social justice, and community empowerment. Since 1984, BREDL has organized over 50 chapters in N.C., S.C., Virginia and Tennessee. Under the BREDL banner, thousands of concerned citizens have made their mark for environmental justice.


    Carolina Peace Resource Center
    305 S. Salvda Ave.
    Columbia, SC 29205
    Tel. 803/446-2772 (Liz Gordon) & 803/665-5683 (Michael Burke; Fax 803/252-3832

    Carolina Peace Resource Center is an affiliate of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and a member of Alliance for Nuclear Acountability. Our programs include conflict resolution and mediation training, community building, Alternatives to Violence Project, Listening Projects, and a nuclear issues program which is focusing on Savanna River Site oversight and disarmament through Abolition 2000.  

    Center for Defense Information
    1779 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
    Washington D.C. 20036-2109
    202/332-0600; fax 202/462-4559

    An independent monitor of the US military, its expenditures and activities.

    Citizen Alert
    P.O. Box 17173
    Las Vegas, NV 89114
    Tel. 702/796-5662; fax 702/796-4886

    A grassroots environmental group working since 1975 to assure public participation and government accountability on issues that affect the land and people of Nevada.

    Coalition for Health Concerns
    10990 Ogden Landing Road
    Kevil, KY 42053
    Tel. 270/462-3495; fax 270/462-3495

    We work on environmental education and environmental clean up issues including: clean water, clean air, and nuclear and toxic waste.

    Colorado Coalition for the Prevention of Nuclear War
    351 East Allen Street #17
    Castle Rock, CO 80108
    Tel. 303/663-6463


    Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group

    Focuses on the public and environmental safety issues related to air emissions generated by LANL activities.


    For a Clean Tonawanda Site (F.A.C.T.S.)
    263 Exchange St.
    Alden, N.Y. 14004

    An organization located in Western New York dedicated to the complete removal of Tonawanda's radioactive waste to a dry, secure site, much more suitable for the long-term management of these wastes.

    Fernald Residents for Environmental Safety and Health, Inc.
    10206 Crosby Road
    Harrison, Ohio 45030
    Tel. 513/738-8055; fax 513/738-8055

    Formed to educate ourselves and the community about problems at the Fernald site. We watchdog the activities of the Fernald site and work for meaningful public participation throughout the remediation process.


    Global Resource Action Center for the Environment
    215 Lexington Ave., Suite 1001
    New York, NY 10016-6023
    Tel. 212/726-9161; fax 212/726-9160

    A not-for-profit organization committed to forming new links between those engaged in research, policy, and grassroots community work in order to promote solutions to preserve the future of the planet and protect the quality of the environment.

    Government Accountability Project
    1511 Third Ave., Suite 321
    Seattle, WA 98101
    Tel. 206/292-2850; fax 206/292-0610

    The mission of the Government Accountability Project is to protect the public interest and promote government and corporate accountability by advancing occupational free speech, defending whistleblowers and empowering citizen activists.


    Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah
    68 S Main St
    Suite 400
    Salt Lake City, UT 84101
    Tel. 801/355-5055

    HEAL Utah is an alliance of citizens and organizations working together to protect the public from the risks of transporting, storing and disposing of both nuclear and toxic wastes.

    Heart of America Northwest
    1305 4th Avenue, #208
    Seattle, WA 98101
    Tel. 206/382-1014; fax 206/382-1148

    We are the largest citizens' membership organization dedicated to the cleanup of America's most contaminated land area: the Handford Nuclear Reservation.

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    Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
    6935 Laurel Ave., Suite 201
    Takoma Park, Maryland, 20912 USA
    Tel. 301/270-5500; Fax 301/270-3029

    Dedicated to increasing public involvement in and control over environmental problems through the democratization of science.


    Just Response

    Just Response is an online source for articles, statements and action items in response to the U.S. bombing in Afghanistan. Just Response is updated daily and provides resources for a just and effective response to terrorism.


    Lawyer's Committee on Nuclear Policy
    675 Third Avenue, Suite 315
    New York, N.Y. 10017, USA
    Tel. 212/818-1861; Fax 212/818-1857

    The Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy (LCNP) is a national nonprofit educational association that uses national and international law to promote peace and disarmament. LCNP has been a vital link between policy makers, legal scholars and activists.


    Miamisburg Environmental Safety & Health
    P.O. Box 773
    Miamisburg, OH 45343
    Tel. 937/748-4757; fax 937/748-0349

    A watchdog for environment and health concerns for the public and residents around the Mound Nuclear Weapons Facility.


    National Environmental Coalition of Native Americans
    P.O. Box 988 - Claremore Veterans Center
    Claremore, OK 74018
    405/567-4297; fax: 405/567-4297
    Native American Environmentalists working to keep nuclear waste off Indian lands.

    Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
    PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1
    Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2794
    805/965-3443; fax: 805/568-0466

    The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation initiates and supports worldwide efforts to abolish nuclear weapons, to strengthen international law and institutions, to use technology responsibly and sustainably, and to empower youth to create a more peaceful world.

    Nuclear-Free Future Award

    The Nuclear-Free Future Award is granted annually. It honors those who are struggling to make the world livable for the coming generations.

    Nuclear Information and Resource Service
    6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 340
    Takoma Park, MD 20912
    Tel. 301/270-NIRS (301-270-6477); fax 301/270-4291

    A Washington DC based information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues.

    Nuclear Waste Citizens Coalition
    Las Vegas Office
    P.O. Box 17173
    Las Vegas, NV 89114
    Tel. 702/796-5662; fax 702/796-3697

    Reno Office
    P.O. Box 5339
    Reno, NV 89513
    Tel. 775/827-4200

    An organization which unites 18 different groups working on various aspects of the nuclear waste problem.

    Nuclear Watch of New Mexico
    551 W. Cordova Rd., #808
    Santa Fe, NM 87505
    505/989-7342; fax: 505/989-7352

    The mission of Nuclear Watch of New Mexico is to provide timely and accurate information to the public on nuclear issues in New Mexico and the Southwest.


    Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance
    PO Box 5743
    Oak Ridge, TN 37831
    865/483-8202; fax: 865/483-9725

    We are a multi-disciplinary advocacy and activist organization which monitors and addresses social and environmental issues in the Upper Tennessee Valley and the Southern Appalachian Mountains.


    Panhandle Area Neighbors and Landowners
    18001 El Rancho Road
    Panhandle, TX 79068-9602
    806/335-1050 phone; fax: 806/335-3423

    Our mission is to continue preservation of the irreplacable resources of the Texas Panhandle, those being water, soil and air, and to further educate the public on the liabilities and risks involved in the missions of Pantex.

    Partnership for Earth Spirituality
    P.O. Box 6531
    Albuquerque, NM 87197
    Tel. 505/266-6966

    An interfaith group of people working for care of God's creation through reflection, education and action.

    Peace Action Education Fund
    1100 Wayne Ave. Suite 1020
    Silver Springs, MD 20910
    Tel. 301/565-4050; fax 301/565-0850

    Peace Action has a membership of over 60,000 persons, 27 State affiliates, and 125 local chapters, making it the largest membership and activist network of any peace and justice organization in the country. Peace Action members work for policy changes in Congress, state capitals, city halls and the United Nations.

    Peace Farm
    188 Highway 60
    Panhandle, TX 79068-9603
    Tel. 806/341-4801; fax 806/341-4801

    Our mission is to create an environment for peace through peaceful means, to assert that peace can only exist where there is justice, and to develop an ecological model for nonviolent social change.

    Physicians for Social Responsibility
    1875 Connecticut Ave, Suite 1012
    Washington, DC 20009
    Tel. 202/667-4260; fax 202/667-4201

    Physicians for Social Responsibility is working to create a world free of nuclear weapons, global environmental pollution, and gun violence.

    Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Security
    3706 McDermott Pond Creek
    McDermott, OH 45652
    Tel. 740/259-4688; fax 740/259-3912

    To educate, organize and empower residents and workers affected by the Piketon uranium enrichment site, and to represent their interest in economic vitality, environmental quality, health, justice and expanded job opportunities.

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    Rio Grande Restoration
    P.O. Box 1612
    El Prado, NM 87529
    Tel. 505/751-1269; Fax 505/751-1269

    Focuses on the depletion of surface water on the Rio Grande.

    Risk Assessment Corporation
    417 Till Road
    Neeses, SC 29107
    Tel. 803/536-4883; Fax 803/534-1995

    Committed to maintaining a leadership position in the fields of radiological and chemical risk assessment. RAC has overseen the risk assessment of the Cerro Grande fire at LANL and the CCNS Clean Air Act Audits.

    Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
    PO Box 1156
    Boulder, CO 80306
    303/444-6981; fax: 303/444-6523

    Rocky Mountain Peace Center has been a successful agent for social change and justice for more than 10 years. RMPC has provided education, training and leadership in areas such as nuclear disarmament, Central America, the Gulf War, Native American issues, war tax resistance, prisoner rights, group process, conflict resolution, peace keeper and civil disobedience training. Nonviolence in action and spirit is at the center of all this work.


    Shundahai Network
    P.O. Box 1115
    Salt Lake City, UT 84110
    Tel. 801/533-0128; Fax 801/533-0129

    Shundahai Network is dedicated to abolishing nuclear weapons worldwide, stopping the ongoing dumping of "low-level" nuclear waste at the Nevada Test Site, stopping plans to transport deadly "high-level" nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain or any Native American land, and ensuring that Native American voices and concerns are heard in the movement to influence U. S. nuclear policies.

    Snake River Alliance
    PO Box 1731
    Boise, ID 83701
    Tel. 208/344-9161; efax 703/997-7286

    Snake River Alliance is an Idaho-based grassroots organization which focuses its work on nuclear issues, most especially monitoring activities at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.

    Southwest Research and Information Center
    PO Box 4524
    Albuquerque, NM 87106
    Tel. 505/262-1862; fax 505/262-1864

    Our mission is to provide timely, accurate information to the public on matters that affect the environment, human health, and communities in order to protect natural resources, promote citizen participation, and ensure environmental and social justice now and for the future generations

    The Sunshine Project

    Project dedicated to eradicated bioweapons.


    Tri-Valley CAREs
    Communities Against a Radioactive Environment
    2582 Old First Street
    Livermore, CA 94551
    925/443-7148; fax: 925/443-0177

    Tri-Valley CAREs was founded in 1983 by local citizens concerned that nuclear weapons work at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia Livermore Laboratories was impacting the environmental well-being of our communities.

    TEWA Women United

    A civic group empowering women from the Northern New Mexico Pueblos.

    Tex-New Mex. Radioactive Rangers

    Committed to stopping the development of a nuclear corridor in west Texas and eastern New Mexico.


    WebActive Directory of Activist Organizations
    Contact WebActive at

    New Media style directory of activist organizations.

    Western Environmental Law Center

    Northwest Office
    1216 Lincoln Street
    Eugene, Oregon 97401
    Tel. 541/485-2471; fax 485-2457

    Southwest Office
    108B Civic Plaza Drive
    P.O. Box 1507
    Taos, New Mexico 87571
    Tel. 505/751-0351; fax 751-1775

    Rocky Mountains Office
    679 East 2nd Ave., Suite 11B
    Durango, CO 81301
    Tel. 970/385-6941; fax 385-6804
    A non profit, public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the land, sky, wildlife and culture of the West.

    Western States Legal Foundation
    1504 Franklin Street
    Suite 202
    Oakland, CA 94612
    510/839-5877; fax: 510/839-5397

    We are a non-profit, public interest organizaton which monitors, analyzes, and challenges nuclear weapons programs at the Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia National Laboratories and the Nevada Test Site.

    Women's Action for New Directions
    691 Massachusetts Avenue
    Arlington, MA 02476
    781/643-6740; fax: 781/643-6744

    Mission: To empower women to act politically to reduce militarism and violence and to redirect excessive military spending to human and environmental needs.

    Working for Change, Global Affairs

    Email your decisionmakers about pertinent issues regarding peace and justice, including the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

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