The EEG is NOT WIPP friendly!!!

Posted by Tim Wheeler on May 19, 1999 at 14:29:26:

In Reply to: NM Environmental Evaluation Group posted by Joan Seeman on May 16, 1999 at 21:38:45:


I believe that there is a misunderstanding regarding my references to the NM EEG on this page. I actually do not trust that agency with regard to its reviews of the WIPP. Several members of the EGG are openly and unabashedly anti-WIPP. So I believe that the EGG is bias against WIPP and is not truly serving the taxpayers of New Mexico by supporting the State with independent, objective, scientific evaluations of the validity of the WIPP.

My reason for mentioning the EGG in this forum is that many contributors here voice the complaint that scientists and engineers who are either skeptical or against WIPP have no forum in which they can present such scientific analyses (the inference being that the EPA and the DOE have ignored such input or testimony). The EGG provides just such a forum, and as I've stated, I believe any scientific entity concerned about WIPP would find people at the EGG eager to hear their side of the story. The CCNS, Don Hancock of the Southwest Research and Information Center, and CARD are all familiar with the EGG and should know to direct any scientist opposed to or concerned about WIPP to the EGG.

Tim Wheeler

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