Why just one side of the story?

Posted by Tim Wheeler on May 04, 1999 at 13:01:49:

In Reply to: Scientists opposed to WIPP posted by Joan Seeman on May 02, 1999 at 12:04:34:

Why seek the opinion only of scientists opposed to WIPP? Lets get the full range of scientific views and opinions on WIPP aired. That would make for an informed forum. Ultimatly, scientific reiview is validated only if it is conducted openly so that all scientific aspects of an issue are scrutinized openly.

DOE may have been dragged kicking and screaming into the public arena for WIPP, but nevertheless the their proposal for WIPP was exposed to an open process of scientific review and evaluation, not to mention an open legal process as well. Scientists who oppose WIPP or who may have had doubts were not excluded from this process.


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