CCNS End Of Year Appeal – Help Us Let There Be Peace On Earth

December 30, 2016

Dear Friends of CCNS,

Your support will allow CCNS to continue to defeat Department of Energy (DOE) plans to expand production of the plutonium triggers for nuclear weapons at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) – up to 450 triggers per year.  LANL is the only production facility in the country.  The Bush II administration tried three times to expand production and was defeated by the Peoples of New Mexico.  We’re going to have to do it again.  CCNS leadership will be essential to defeat the new administration’s plans.

CCNS will also continue to:

  1. Bring light to the harm done to the Trinity Downwinders by working with the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium to finalize the Health Impact Assessment for the Downwinders of the first atomic bomb test at the Trinity Site in south central New Mexico on July 16, 1945. We will continue to push for congressional passage of amendments to the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) to include the Trinity Downwinders, the Post-71 Uranium Miners and all New Mexicans;
  1. Protect surface and ground water from LANL pollutants by continuing to take the lead with the Communities for Clean Water to challenge four ground water discharge permits for LANL, issued by the New Mexico Environment Department and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, that allow for the discharge of tens of thousands of gallons per day into the canyons that flow to the Rio Grande and seep into the regional drinking water aquifer; and
  1. Oppose domestic and foreign hazardous waste disposal at the proposed Triassic Park site (east of Roswell) by working with Deborah Reade and Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping (CARD) to keep you and the media informed and to issue Action Alerts.

We will continue to keep you informed through the CCNS Media Network with the CCNS News Update, which is posted on Fridays to our website at, Facebook and Twitter and emailed out to our extensive list – which we never share.

These are long-term struggles and we’ll need to be as creative as possible to re-engage the process.  Please share our emails with friends and family and encourage them to participate.

To make your tax-deductible contribution, just click the DONATE button on the top right for a one-time donation, or the SUBSCRIBE button to make a recurring monthly donation.

Thank you for your support over the past 29 years!  Together we are making a difference!

CCNS Board and Staff




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