Join Three Sisters Collective to Paint the “I am Life (Creator of Worlds)” Mural in O’Ga P’ogeh Owingeh

The Three Sisters Collective is painting a new and colorful “I am Life (Creator of Worlds)” mural on the Lena Wall in O’Ga P’ogeh Owingeh, the White Shell Water Place, or Santa Fe.  You are invited to make your mark on the wall on Thursday, October 3rd through Saturday, October 5th during the community paint hours.  The new mural is adjacent to the mural by artist Chip Thomas about stopping expanded production of plutonium pits, or the triggers, for nuclear weapons at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

Autumn Dawn Gomez, the Art Director of the Three Sisters Collective, sees the mural as “an opportunity to give a place and platform to the voices of nuclear abolitionists and to build solidarity across Northern New Mexico.”

Further, Gomez explained, “I am Life” is made to be in conversation with Chip Thomas’ artwork, referencing and inverting Oppenheimer’s famous quote [taken] from the Bhagavad Gita ‘I am become death, destroyer of worlds.’  The mural inverts this as: ‘I am life, Creator of worlds.’”

The Three Sisters Collective is shifting the conversation away from destruction to life.  In contrast, this week LANL announced its certification of a new design “diamond-stamped” plutonium pit for use in the W87-1 nuclear bomb warhead.

The mural holds the intentions for a nuclear-free future so many around the world are working for.  Gomez explained, “The artwork questions the promise [versus] the reality of nuclear energy and weaponry, and serves as a critique of the bomb factory being built in Los Alamos and as a call-to-action for the Santa Fe community to rally together in opposition to this imminent reality.”

Further, “The new mural honors and prioritizes local Pueblo/Indigenous culture and values. It elucidates the differences between these values and the settler colonial nuclear bomb production currently happening in Los Alamos, which is increasing soon. Additionally, it highlights the ever-expanding nuclear industry, such as the nuclear corridor in southeastern New Mexico, a source of job creation and economic stability for New Mexicans.”

This project is brought to you by the Three Sisters Collective, the Lena Wall, Dunn Edwards Paints and Artisan Santa Fe.  Join their efforts on Thursday, October 3rd from 9 am to 1 pm; on Friday, October 4th from 10 am to 1 pm; and on Saturday, October 5th from 5 to 7 pm.  Come with water, weather-appropriate gear and painting clothes. The Lena Wall is located at the former Cloud Cliff Bakery on Lena and Second Streets.

  1. Friday, October 4th at noon at the intersection of West Alameda and Sandoval for the weekly one-hour peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament. Join the weekly peaceful protest with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others. Bring your flags, signs and banners!



  1. Saturday, October 12th at 11 am MDT – White Mesa Ute Community Spiritual Walk & Protest: Protecting Our Communities, Health, Environment & Indigenous Sacred Lands, beginning at the White Mesa Community Center between Bluff and Blanding, Utah, followed by the walk to the White Mesa uranium mill. For more information, call White Mesa Concerned Community (435) 459-2461.  



  1. Saturday, October 12 through Monday, October 14th from 9 am to 4:30 pm on the Santa Fe Plaza – Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Santa Fe Plaza.

More information about the October 14th Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2nd Annual Honoring Native Nations Powwow on the Santa Fe Plaza.



  1. Saturday, October 19th – Trinity Site Open House.

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