Numerous Global Calls for Two Weeks of Action on Nuclear Weapons and Climate in September
Many local, regional and international non-governmental organizations are organizing live and virtual actions in recognition of the International Day of Peace on Saturday, September 21st and you can join in these efforts. From the “No Money for Nuclear Weapons” Week of Action headed by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons to the
Warhead to Windmills Coalition (the Coalition) , small and large actions will be taking place around the world.
A small number of corporations profit from fossil fuels and nuclear weapons and spend millions on lobbying, elections and propaganda to maintain their control over Congress and the White House. We’ve called attention to their tactics before, through boycotts, divestment and shaming, and we can do it again!
The Coalition’s contribution to the international movement is to target seven of the top nuclear weapons companies and seven of the top fossil fuel companies during the two weeks: tackling one a day. You can join coordinated live actions at corporate headquarters and facilities, or contact the corporate entities and local media with urgent demands, such as divest and boycott, and have your city, bank, school, faith community, or organization do the same.
The Coalition reminds us what we all already know: the “continued burning of fossil fuels will make this world uninhabitable within a few decades. A nuclear war would make this world uninhabitable in a few minutes. We must end our addiction to fossil fuels and nuclear weapons before it is too late.” To learn more, go to
The Coalition’s action on nuclear weapons begins on Monday, September 16th with the corporate target focused on Huntington Ingalls Industries. On Tuesday, September 17th the target is L3Harris Fast Forward. On Wednesday, September 18th the target is General Dynamics. The Thursday, September 19th target is RTX Raytheon Technologies. The Friday, September 20th target is Boeing. Honeywell is the target for the International Day of Peace on Saturday, September 21st. Lockheed Martin is the target for Sunday, September 22nd and is one of the major contractors to modernize the intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs.
Action on fossil fuels begins on Monday, September 23rd with the target focused on Shell; Tuesday, September 24th is Phillips 66; Wednesday, September 25 is BP; Thursday, September 26 is Chevron; Friday, September 27th is ExxonMobil; and on Saturday, September 28th is Koch (which is the second largest privately held corporation in the U.S. with more than 13,000 employees worldwide). The week of action ends on Sunday, September 29th with Energy Transfer [formerly, Energy Transfer Partners].
Events are being organized in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Stay tuned for more information. Better yet, organize your own event at a facility or office near you.
- Friday, September 6th at noon
at the intersection of West Alameda and Sandoval for the weekly one-hour peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament. Join the weekly peaceful protest with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others. Bring your flags, signs and banners!
- September 1st through September 30th –
the Sierra Club Grassroots Network Nuclear Free Team concludes its first Nuclear FREE Film Series with the powerful independent film – ATOMIC BAMBOOZLE: THE FALSE PROMISES OF A NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE. Watch the film – FREE OF CHARGE – followed by a live webinar on September 30th with the filmmaker and stellar panel moderated by Mike Carberry, Co-Chair, Sierra Club Nuclear Free Team. 46-minute film available on Eventive – free with registration.!
- Saturday, September 7th from 1:45 to 5 pm at the University of New Mexico –
Forum on Nuclear Strategy: Disarmament and Deterrence in a Dangerous World. Registration at:
A project from the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC, the Endowed Chair of Roman Catholic Studies at the University of New Mexico, and UNM’s Religious Studies Program. For more information and a list of participants, go to:
- Tuesday, September 10, 2024 –
Comment Period Extended about the Second Five-Year Report about the DOE/Sandia Mixed Waste Landfill. For information about the hazards, leaks and threats of not removing the waste from the unlined Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL), visit the Citizen Action New Mexico website at:
To review the public notice and administrative information about the MWL, go to the New Mexico Environment Department:
In your comments, provide your name and address and reference: SNL – MWL Second Five-Year Report, December 2023. A sample public comment letter developed by Demand Nuclear Abolition is available here: MWL letter Rev. 1 August 2024
Submit them through: under 60-Day Comment Period: Sandia National Labs Mixed Waste Landfill Second Five-Year Report, or email them to:
Neelam Dhawan, Acting Program Manager
NMED – Hazardous Waste Bureau
2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, Bldg. 1
Santa Fe, NM 87505-6303
Phone: 505-476-6000
- September 16th to 22nd Week of Action: Nuclear Weapons – Pressure the Corporate Profiteers – Boycotts, Divestment and Shaming. For more information: Local NM events are being planned now.
September 16th to 22nd Week of Action: No Money for Nuclear Weapons. For more information: Read the 2-page briefing paper on Nuclear Weapons Spending.
- September 23rd to 29th Week of Action: Fossil Fuels – Pressure the Corporate Profiteers – Boycotts, Divestment and Shaming. For more information: Local NM events are being planned now.
- Friday, August 30 through September – 58 years: a retrospective of works by Cathie Sullivan at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, 555 Camino de La Familia, Santa Fe.
Opening on August 30 from 5 to 7 pm. The exhibit includes 57 oil paintings, drawings and limited edition silkscreen prints, three bronzes, 20 animal carvings and hand and digitally printed note cards. 80% of sale proceeds will be donated to Amigos Del Parque, Nuclear Watch NM and El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe.
Tags: Boeing, BP, Chevron, Energy Transfer [Partners], ExxonMobil, General Dynamics, Honeywell, Huntington Ingalls Industries, ICAN, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Koch, L3Harris Fast Forward, Lockheed Martin, Phillips 66, RTX Raytheon Technologies, Shell, Warhead to Windmills Coalition, “No Money for Nuclear Weapons
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