Mary Lou Cook Memorial – Wed., Oct. 30th at 11 am in Santa Fe, NM

Email from The Rev. Carol Calvert:

Mary Lou Cook Memorial – Wednesday Oct. 30th 11 a.m. – St. Francis Auditorium, 107 W. Palace Ave. 

Dear Friends of MLC,

Please join in the celebration of one of Santa Fe’s (and possibly the world’s)  most precious treasures, Mary Lou Cook.  Mary Lou began her heavenward journey at 6:30 a.m. monday morning October 7th.  It is entirely possible that she has paste-crafted part of our solar system by now.  At the very least, I am sure she is whippin’ the other residents of heaven into shape. 
We know the gates must have flown open for her and her angelic escorts, and who knows.. she may even be able to heal the US government from her new vantage point. 

In honor of MLC, please wear your favorite hat and be colorful, after all we are saluting an extraordinarily colorful woman.

No flowers please, but you might plant a tree in her honor!  We will have a table with Mary Lou’s numerous books, bookmarks, and other amazing creations to take and/or make a donation if you wish!
If you aren’t able to attend and would like, feel free to send a love note via email.  Time permitting, I will read as many as I can. 

In Love and Gratitude,

Rev. Carol Calvert

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  • Bill O'Donnell

    Rest in Peace Mary Lou….& God Bless You.

    Mary Lou was interviewed on Spirituality TV in 2008, right after her 90th birthday on the “Course in Miracles” with Bob Cardinalli & Jose Armormino. That 30 minute interview can be viewed on

  • Lynn Brown

    We have lost a bright light, but Mary Lou’s halo surrounds us.

    Lynn Brown

  • Lynn Brown

    We have lost a bright light… still Mary Lou’s halo surrounds us.

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