Weekly News Updates

Marshall Islands’ Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Lawsuits Gain Momentous Support

South Carolina Court of Appeals Upholds Sierra Club Challenge to Barnwell Nuclear Waste Operations

DOE Inspector General Releases Report about Failure of Waste Procedures Resulting in Indefinite WIPP Shut Down

National Cancer Institute in New Mexico to Interview People Living at the Time of the 1945 Trinity Test

LANL Plutonium Facility Is Priority Concern for DNFSB

WIPP Recovery Information to be Released Next Week

Eighteenth Annual Gathering for Mother Earth to be Held September 27th and September 28th in Pojoaque

Join the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent at the September 21st People’s Climate March in New York City

WIPP Worker Harmed by Vehicle Fire Sues Operators for Negligence

New Mexicans Attend the Compliance Review of the United States by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Geneva