Posts Tagged ‘WIPP’

LANL Sparking Drum Causes Suspension of Radioactive Waste Shipments to WIPP

WIPP 700-C townhall Feb. 25th will be rescheduled

Newsbytes about WIPP and LANL

Two DOE Virtual Public Meetings about Plans to Move Tons of Surplus Plutonium to WIPP

DOE Plans to Move Tons of Surplus Plutonium to WIPP and LANL Postpones Tritium Venting

WIPP Radiation Release Briefing on Thursday, December 10th at 6 pm

Community Groups Oppose the Next WIPP Radiation Release

CCNS Asks Why LANL’s Area G Waste Handling Lacks Proper Safety Documents

At LANL, Four Waste Drums Discovered Containing Potentially Incompatible Chemicals

Citizens’ Hearing Held at New Mexico Capitol about Increased Plutonium Pit Production at LANL