WIPP 700-C townhall Feb. 25th will be rescheduled

More information from CCNS:
WIPP 700-C fan four-hour test data from the Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring & Research Center is posted here: https://www.cemrc.org/2021/02/11/700-c-fan-test-results/
WIPP anticipates posting its data in a week or so. It plans a town hall in two weeks or so.
The New Mexico Environment Department virtual community engagement meeting for LANL will take place Th. Feb. 25th from 5:30 to 7 pm. Connection information in English and Spanish available at: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/NMED/bulletins/2c0bf27
Tags: 700-C fan, Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring & Research Center, New Mexico Environment Department, WIPP
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