Worldwide Count the Nuclear Weapons Money Oct. 24th – 30th
People around the world will be counting out one trillion dollars – the amount of money planned to be spent on modernizing the nuclear weapons of nine countries over the next ten years – with artist-created one million dollar bills. People will be counting the bills while governments will be meeting at the United Nations for the United Nations Disarmament Week and the United Nations General Assembly, from Thursday, October 24 through Wednesday, October 30, 2019. Mark your calendar! You can help!
This week, Roger Waters, of Pink Floyd, released a video message supporting the Count the Nuclear Weapons Money campaign of the Basel Peace Office. In 1973, Pink Floyd released the hit song, “Money,” about the seductive and corrosive power of money.
In the video message, Waters holds up a mock one million dollar note and says we have a choice: “We can either spend this million bucks on this – MAD, mutually assured destruction. Or on this: kids, our future, the planet, education, equality.”
Waters also calls on individuals to “join the hundreds of organizations and millions of people around the world who are participating in the Count the Nuclear Weapons Money action this October,” and “after the counting talk with your mates and work and write to your congress[people] to urge them to take action as well.”
The campaign’s goal is to demonstrate the scale of a one trillion dollar investment and how it could be devoted to peace and humanitarian needs, rather than the threat of nuclear annihilation. The scale will be profound in terms of time, the number of bills, the number of people counting the money by hand, and the impact of seeing people around the world counting the money. The event will be live-streamed so that anyone in the world can follow the counting and learn what benefits this money could bring if re-directed to economics, social, and environmental needs.
Artists from many countries are designing the one million dollar currency notes.
People will be counting the money by hand at a rate of one hundred million dollars per minute in one million dollar bills. They will be doing this in front of the United Nations and at other publicly visible places in New York City. It will take seven days and nights.
You can help by joining a team of two to count for half an hour or more. The teams will include people of all ages, nations, and backgrounds, including artists, activists, politicians, United Nations officials, diplomats, religious leaders, refugees, moms, dads, children, sportspeople, and others.
To learn more, go to
- Friday, September 20th – Youth United for Climate Crisis Action at the Roundhouse from 11:15 – 1:30 pm. There are activities in Albuquerque as well. For more information, go to:
- Friday, September 20th – comments due to DOE about the scope of the hazardous waste permit renewal application. CCNS submitted comments that you can use to create your own. f CCNS WIPP permit renewal comments 9-19-19
- Monday, September 23rd by 5 pm MST – comments due to the New Mexico Environment Department about the “fake” draft groundwater discharge permit DP-1132 for LANL’s Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility. NMED is issuing the wrong permit. They should be issuing a Hazardous Waste Permit, not a Groundwater Discharge Permit. Sample public comments for you to use are available at f Sample DP-1132 Public Comment 9-19-19
- Thursday, September 26th – International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
- Thursday, September 26th – Sunday, September 29th – Tewa Women United’s 23rd Gathering for Mother Earth.
- Monday, September 30th – Comments due about the “WIPP Forever” Strategic Plan. Sample public comments you can uses are available at Strategic Plan individual letter 091719
- Saturday, October 5th – Trinity Site open. Join the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium (“Trinity Downwinders”)
for a peaceful demonstration at the Stallion Gate on State Hwy. 380.
Tags: Basel Peace Office, Count the Nuclear Money, Disarmament Week, General Assembly, Money, Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, United Nations
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