DID YOU KNOW – about Russia and Ukraine?
- TONIGHT at 5 pm MT and 8 pm MT:
Two showings of Power Struggle, a 88-minute film by director Robbie Leppzer, POWER STRUGGLE (PowerStruggleMovie.com) that portrays Vermont’s heated political battle to shut down the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, located in southern Vermont on the banks of the Connecticut River. After the 5 pm MT showing, Arnie and Maggie Gunderson of Fairewinds Energy Education will examine the potential dangers of a nuclear disaster in Ukraine and discuss the ongoing efforts to track the migration of radioactive contamination worldwide. Screening tickets – $12 – https://kinema.com/events/power-struggle-zglpf2 After the 8 pm MT showing, Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear will examine those potential dangers; the long-term threats to human health posed by high-level radioactive waste worldwide and the current battles in the U.S.A. over nuclear waste sites; and Holtec International’s safety violations in the construction of a high-level nuclear waste storage facility at the Chernobyl site. Screening tickets – $12 – https://kinema.com/events/power-struggle-4yqpng
- UPDATE: Nuclear Ukraine –
Captured Reactors Vulnerable – Gundersen plus: SPECIAL: FUKUSHIMA 11th ANNIVERSARY, Voices from Japan – Propaganda Museum, presented by Nuclear Hotseat, NH #559. http://nuclearhotseat.com/2022/03/08/nuclear-ukraine-update-gundersen-fukushima-anniversary/
- March 10, 2022:
The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the World Medical Association, the World Federation of Public Health Associations, and the International Federation of Medical Student Associations released their Global medical and public health organizations call for immediate end to war in Ukraine and critical need to prevent nuclear escalation. https://www.ippnw.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Health-statement-Ukraine-March-2022.docx.pdf
- Greenpeace International presents Nuclear power plant vulnerability during military conflict –
Ukraine technical briefing on March 2, 2022 and https://www.greenpeace.org/international/?s=ukraine+technical+briefing and The vulnerability of nuclear plants during military conflict Yuzhnoukrainsk (South Ukraine) Nuclear Power Plant Safety and security risks – lessons from Fukushima Daiichi 9 March 2022 Briefing – Greenpeace International by Shaun Burnie (senior nuclear specialist, Greenpeace East Asia) & Jan Vande Putte (radiation protection advisor & nuclear campaigner for Greenpeace East Asia & Greenpeace Belgium) https://www.greenpeace.org/static/planet4-international-stateless/2022/03/559dfc6b-nuclear-power-plants-in-military-conflict-yuzhnoukrainsk-south-ukraine-briefing.pdf
- “Military action in radioactive Chernobyl
could be dangerous for people and the environment,” by Dr. Tim A. Mousseau, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, on March 3, 2022. https://theconversation.com/military-action-in-radioactive-chernobyl-could-be-dangerous-for-people-and-the-environment-177992
- March 16th at 11 am MT, Ploughshares Fund presents: Unmute Yourself: Ukraine.
Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_urANH6FaTOCOF2O63aN2dA
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