Weekly News Updates

Safety Concerns Continue for New LANL TRU Waste Facility

Support CCNS on Giving Tuesday, November 28th and Two Nuclear Issues Events

Chairman Tries to Abolish the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

Action Alert! Santa Fe County Protective Resolution about LANL Chromium Plume, Safety and Security Issues, and Plans to Expand Plutonium Pit Production

Local Anti-Nuke Group Announces Symposium to “Dismantle the Nuclear Beast”

$1.2 Trillion 30-Year Plan for Nuclear Arsenal Maintenance and Modernization

NMED Extends draft WCS Ground Water Discharge Permit Public Comment Period by 60 Days

WCS Discharge Permit Comments Due to NMED on Tuesday, October 31st

Impending Roof Collapse at WIPP Endangers Workers

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Awarded 2017 Nobel Peace Prize