Weekly News Updates

National Grassroots Radioactive Waste Summit Opposes Waste Dumping, Promotes Environmental Justice

WIPP Requests Temporary Authorization to Install Bulkheads and Proposed Above Ground Storage Public Comment Extended to February 3rd

Support CCNS on Giving Tuesday NM – Thank you!

SRIC and NRDC Address NEPA Requirements for Reopening WIPP

In Rush to Reopen WIPP, DOE Ignores the Safer “Clean Salt” Option

Comment Period for Triassic Park Hazardous Waste Permit Extended to January 20, 2017

Cleanup at LANL’s Area G May Not Begin Until 2028

Triassic Park Administrative Record in Disarray; Presents Challenges to Public to Provide Informed Comments about Hazardous Waste Permit

DOE Proposes WIPP Surface Storage Despite Four or More Roof Falls

Public Comments about Proposed Changes to New Mexico’s Water Protection Regulations Due Monday, October 17th – Sample Comments Available for Your Use