Current Activities

A Clear Case of Disqualification of NMED Deputy Cabinet Secretary Stephanie Stringer

This week the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) provided evidence to CCNS and Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE) that Stephanie Stringer, a New Mexico Environment Department Deputy Cabinet Secretary and Chair of the New Mexico Water Quality Commission, made adjudicatory decisions against the non-governmental organizations while she was applying for NNSA employment.  This is the second time NNSA has hired an adjudicatory decision-maker during an ongoing proceeding addressing the groundwater discharge permit, DP-1132, for the Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory. , see ¶¶ 14 – 24.

This time, Stephanie Stringer, after applying for the NNSA job, demonstrated her bias by not recusing herself from the matter.  She voted against the NGOs in the requested permit review before the Water Quality Control Commission.

Because the Facility handles, treats and stores hazardous waste, the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as implemented by the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Act, must regulate it.  The New Mexico Water Quality Act excludes the regulation of hazardous waste facilities.

After decades of public opposition, on May 5, 2022, the Environment Department issued the final groundwater discharge permit.  On June 6th, the NGOs filed an appeal of the permit to the Commission. , scroll down to Water Quality Control Commission to Case No. WQCC 22-21:  Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety and Honor Our Pueblo Existence’s Petition for Review of NMED Ground Water Discharge Permit DP-1132.   

On July 29th, the NNSA job was posted.  Stringer submitted her application on August 7th two days before the first Commission hearing on the permit.  Because the NGOs had appealed a federal discharge permit for the Facility to the Environmental Appeals Board (EAB), NNSA, Triad National Security, LLC, and the Environment Department had asked for a stay.  Stringer called for a vote on the stay motion until the EAB issued a decision.  The motion passed.

Chair Stringer had an interview with the NNSA on August 23rd.  The following week she signed the Commission’s order granting a stay of all the proceedings pending an EAB decision.

On the next day, August 31st, NNSA offered Stringer a position.

With the job offer in hand, Stringer continued working for the Environment Department and as the Commission Chair through a hearing on September 13th.  At the hearing, the NGOs moved to reverse the groundwater discharge permit based on the Water Quality Act statutory limitation.  Chair Stringer seconded a motion to deny reversal of the permit.

On October 31st, Stringer resigned her state position and on November 6th, reported for work with NNSA.

The NGOs have filed a motion before the Commission to vacate the decisions in which Chair Stringer participated.

  1. Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 6 pm MST – Night with the Experts welcomes Dr. Edwin Lyman discussing Guinea Pig Nation: How the NRC’s new licensing rules could turn communities into test beds for risky, experimental nuclear plants, hosted by Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS).    View the flyer here: Night With Experts Dr Lyman3    Use this ZOOM link to join the session:



  1. Friday, November 18th from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, Pax Christi and others. Join us about next steps toward nuclear disarmament.



  1. Tuesday, November 22nd from 5:30 pm to 8 pm at Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos – reception, author talk and book signing for Nuclear Nuevo México, by Dr. Myrriah Gómez.   Dr. Myrriah Gómez will discuss her book Nuclear Nuevo México. Contrary to previous works that suppress Nuevomexicana/o presence throughout U.S. nuclear history, Nuclear Nuevo México focuses on recovering the voices and stories that have been lost or ignored in the telling of this history. By recuperating these narratives, Myrriah Gómez tells a new story of New Mexico, one in which the nuclear history is not separate from the collective colonial history of Nuevo México but instead demonstrates how earlier eras of settler colonialism laid the foundation for nuclear colonialism in New Mexico.



  1. WIPP – The responses to questions asked at the July 7th WIPP Community Forum in Santa Fe have been posted to the WIPP website.   The video recording of the October 24, 2022 WIPP Community Forum at the Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino have been posted.  Please note there is no audio until 3:58 of the recording –

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) in person and virtual public hearing will take place on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) in person and virtual public hearing will take place on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022, from noon to 9:45 pm (with four breaks of varying lengths) at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center.  The hearing will be presented live through internet video streaming. A link to the presentation will be available on DNFSB’s website at

For more information, please see

A quick review of the agenda with times and the four breaks

Session 1:  Nuclear Safety at Area G from noon to 2:45 pm MT

    Break:  1:45 to 2 pm

    Break:  2:45 pm to 4 pm

Session 2:   National Security Missions and Nuclear Safety Posture from 4 to 6 pm MT

    Break:  6 pm to 6:30 pm

Session 3:  Improving Safety Systems, Safety Management Programs, and Oversight from 6:30 to 8:30 pm MT

Session 4:  Public Comments and Wrap-up from 8:45 to 9:45 MT. 

    Break:  8:30 pm to 8:45  pm

Here is the link to the live stream.  It is at


What Does LANL Ship to WIPP—Legacy or Newly-Generated Transuranic Waste?

On Wednesday, November 16th, during the first virtual and in-person public hearing session, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board will hear from three Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) officials about the stored and buried transuranic waste at the Area G dump.  The second and third public hearing sessions will focus on the national security missions and nuclear safety posture, and improving safety systems, safety management programs, and oversight, respectively.  The fourth public hearing session will focus on public comments and wrap-up.

In the first session, the Board wants to understand LANL’s plans to “remove legacy transuranic waste while minimizing the amount of aboveground transuranic waste.”  Let’s break down that description.

Legacy transuranic waste is plutonium-contaminated waste from the production of nuclear weapons that was generated prior to 1999, when the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) opened.  Area G legacy waste is buried in containers in unlined pits, trenches and shafts carved out of the volcanic tuff.  Legacy waste is also stored in containers above ground in fabric tents.  None of it is in safe long-term storage.

There are two possible meanings of the phrase, “minimizing the amount of aboveground transuranic waste.”  One is minimizing the legacy waste stored in the tents that is destined for deep underground disposal in WIPP.  The other is minimizing the newly-generated plutonium-contaminated waste from the fabrication of the triggers, or pits, of nuclear weapons.  The choice of meanings is important.

The legacy waste aboveground is prepared for shipment to WIPP under the auspices of Environmental Management Los Alamos, or EM-LA.  The amount of legacy waste shipped to WIPP is publicly reported.

But the facts about the newly-generated waste are harder, if not impossible, to come by.  The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) operates the plutonium pit fabrication activities. 

In January 2021, NNSA and EM-LA decided that for efficiency they would commingle their waste shipments to WIPP.

Since October 3rd, 2022, CCNS has been asking for the commingled shipment data for fiscal year 2022.  EM-LA does not have that data, even though one of its contractors, N3B, stated that all of the waste shipped in fiscal year 2022 was legacy waste.

There are efforts to get the waste off the hill, but what waste?  Since there is limited space at WIPP, disposal of legacy waste must be the priority.

The public needs easy access to all of the shipment data and so does the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.  Please bring your questions and concerns to the hearing.  Public comments will be heard from 2 to 2:30 pm and from 8:45 to 9:25 pm.

If you are interested in making comments, please pre-register by close of business on Friday, November 11, 2022.  Please follow the instructions in the Federal Register notice – which is cut and pasted below:

Persons interested in speaking during the public comment portion of the Public Hearing are encouraged to pre-register by submitting a request in writing to the Office of General Counsel at 625 Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20004, emailing , or calling (202) 694–7062 or (800) 788–4016 prior to close of business on November 11, 2022.  DNFSB asks that commenters describe the nature and scope of their oral presentations.

Those who pre-register will be scheduled to speak first.  Individual oral comments may be limited by the time available, depending on the number of persons who register.  At the beginning of the hearing, a list of speakers will be posted at the entrance to the hearing room.  Anyone who wishes to comment or provide technical information or data may do so in writing, either in lieu of, or in addition to, making an oral presentation.  The Board Members may question presenters to the extent deemed appropriate.  Written comments and documents will be accepted at the hearing or may be sent to DNFSB’s Washington, DC office.  DNFSB will hold the hearing record open until December 16, 2022, for the receipt of additional materials. Additional details, including the detailed agenda for the hearing, are available at .

Helpful tips to help you prepare your public comments

If you are interested in making public comments but don’t know where to start or what topic to cover, check out the weekly one-page Resident Inspector Reports for LANL on the DNFSB website.  Read one or two of three of them.  For example, the Oct. 14, 2022 report covers electrical safety, criticality safety and on-site transportation – all topics that will be discussed during the Nov. 16, 2022 public hearing.

If a topic peaks your interest, follow the thread on the websites of the DNFSB at , CCNS at , Nuclear Watch New Mexico at , Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE) at , and Tewa Women United (TWU) at

  1. Friday, November 11th from noon to 1 pm – Armistice Day – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, Pax Christi and others. Join us about next steps toward nuclear disarmament.



  1. Monday, November 14th from 9 am to 5 pm – virtual and in-person Radioactive & Hazardous Materials Committee public meeting at the State Capitol, Room 309, Santa Fe. A primary focus is LANL.  Presentations about the proposed Green Amendment, Uranium Mining Legacy Cleanup, Legacy Environmental Cleanup at LANL, Update from LANL, Discussion Topics Concerning LANL, and Increasing Penalties for Violations of Environmental Statutes.  Public comments are scheduled for 4:30 pm.  To make virtual public comments, please see



  1. Monday, November 14th from 4:30 to 5:30 pm MT – virtual training for LANL’s Electronic Public Reading Room (EPRR).  The EPRR is an information repository for administrative and environmental information and correspondence as required by Section 1.10 of the 2010 NM Environment Department Hazardous Waste Facility Permit for LANL.  The EPRR is available at


When it is time to join the meeting: 
WebEx Link: https://lanl‐‐us/j.php?MTID=m8a5939de8afadbcbb5a5bedeb3c8c4d5
Meeting No.: 2463 136 2821
Video address: 24631362821@lanl‐
Call In No.: 1‐415‐655‐0002
Call Access No.: 2463 136 2821 then press # to confirm and enter the meeting


  1. Tuesday, November 15th at 10 to 11 am Mountain Time – Radiation and Public Health Project Annual Meeting – The Baby Teeth Project.   The Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) research and education group is working with a group of independent scientific advisors to on a landmark research project that will soon analyze over 100,000 baby teeth that remain from a 1960s study and have been donated to RPHP.  Fallout remaining in teeth from above-ground atomic bomb tests still can be measured, providing a unique opportunity to assess health impact from past exposures.  In addition, RPHP is collecting baby teeth from children now living near nuclear reactors, which produce the same toxic chemicals as did atomic bombs. This research is one of a kind opportunity to better understand two critical health questions:

1. Whether fallout raised cancer risk to Baby Boomers, now in their 60s

2. If children near nuclear reactors can expect to face cancer risk later in life similar to Baby Boomers

No other research organization in the U.S. is studying health hazards from fallout or reactor exposures, using actual in-body measurements.

As we consider future energy choices in a climate constrained world, better understanding long-term impacts of radiation exposure is an essential data point that is largely being ignored. RPHP is filling this gap by using the 100,000 teeth to understand past risk, and predict future risk.

Join Zoom Meeting –

Meeting ID: 839 8718 1239

Passcode: RPHP

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,83987181239#,,,,*526912# US (Washington DC)

+13126266799,,83987181239#,,,,*526912# US (Chicago)

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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

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        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

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        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 839 8718 1239

Passcode: 526912

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  1. Wednesday, November 16, 2022 – virtual and in-person meeting of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board from noon to 9:45 pm – with two breaks – at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center. The two breaks are from 2:30 pm to 4 pm, and from 6 pm to 6:30 pm. and



Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board to Hold Public Hearing at Santa Fe Convention Center on November 16th

On Wednesday, November 16th, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) will hold a virtual and in-person public hearing at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center from noon to 9:45 pm Mountain Time.  The DNFSB’s goal is to gather information regarding legacy cleanup activities, nuclear safety, and increased production of plutonium pits, or triggers, for nuclear weapons at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).  There will be two opportunities for oral public comments.  Written comments will also be accepted.

To prepare your comments, a useful resource is the DNFSB’s Resident Inspector Weekly Reports about activities at LANL.  There are over 1,100 weekly reports.

The DNFSB is an independent organization within the executive branch of the United States Government, chartered with the responsibility of providing recommendations and advice to the President and the Secretary of Energy regarding public health and safety issues at Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities, such as LANL.

On the 16th, Board Members will hear testimony from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Administrator Jill Hruby and the Manager of the NNSA Los Alamos Field Office Theodore Wyka, among others.

The hearing is divided into four sessions. Session 1 will run from noon to 2:30 p.m.  It will focus on nuclear safety at Area G, LANL’s active dump for radioactive and hazardous waste.  The Board’s objective is to understand actions completed and planned to strengthen Area G’s safety basis in order to remove legacy plutonium-contaminated waste while minimizing the amount of it above ground.  See the August 17, 2022 DNFSB Staff Issue Report about LANL Area G Safety Posture and Justifications for Continued Operation at

Sessions 2 and 3 will focus on nuclear safety and increased plutonium pit production activities at the Plutonium Facility.  Session 2 will run from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and focus on expanded pit production, the repackaging of large quantities of heat-source plutonium, and other possible nuclear missions.

Session 3 will run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and focus on improving essential safety systems.  Among other topics, the Board will hear about improvements planned for and about plans for safety management programs to support expanded plutonium pit production.  See January 29, 2016 DNFSB Staff Issue Report about Seismic Qualification of Fire Suppression System at the Plutonium Facility, LANL at

Finally, Session 4, from 8:45 to 9:45 p.m., will be for public comments and a wrap-up.  If you are interested in making public comments you are encouraged to pre-register.  Details are available at

Joni Arends, of CCNS, requests that you support this work to educate the public about the proposed and ongoing vast expansion of LANL whose safety concerns will be central to the public hearing.

  1. Friday, November 4th from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, Pax Christi and others. Join us about next steps toward nuclear disarmament.


  1. Wednesday, November 9th from 2 to 4 pm MT – In-person and virtual community meeting on monitoring LANL stormwater runoff under the renewed permit issued by EPA. Presentations will cover monitoring stormwater in fiscal year 2022 (Oct. 1, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2022) and updates from Communities for Clean Water (CCW).   Public comments and questions are invited. and


In-person: Cottonwood on the Greens, 4244 Diamond Drive, Los Alamos, N.M.

Virtual: via Webex platform


Meeting number (access code): 2769 085 4353

Meeting password: JMyXJvp5v28


Join by phone: 1-415-527-5035

Meeting number (access code): 2769 085 4353


  1. Thursday, November 10, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm – Living with Wildfire: Share your concerns during a virtual community listening session on managing and protecting our local forest in a warming climate.  Sponsors:  Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners, WildEarth Guardians, and The Forest Advocate.  Host:  Santa Fe County Commissioner Anna Hansen.  Featured Speaker:  Dominick DellaSala, Conservation Scientist, with Adam Rissien (WildEarth Guardians Rewilding Manager) and Sarah Hyden (The Forest Advocate).   


To join the meeting:


  1. Monday, November 14th from 4:30 to 5:30 pm MT – virtual training for LANL’s Electronic Public Reading Room (EPRR).  The EPRR is an information repository for administrative and environmental information and correspondence as required by Section 1.10 of the 2010 NM Environment Department Hazardous Waste Facility Permit for LANL.  The EPRR is available at


When it is time to join the meeting: 
WebEx Link: https://lanl‐‐us/j.php?MTID=m8a5939de8afadbcbb5a5bedeb3c8c4d5
Meeting No.: 2463 136 2821
Video address: 24631362821@lanl‐
Call In No.: 1‐415‐655‐0002
Call Access No.: 2463 136 2821 then press # to confirm and enter the meeting


CCNS and HOPE Request the Water Quality Control Commission to Lift its Stay on Review of Groundwater Discharge Permit DP-1132 for LANL

On May 5, 2022, the New Mexico Environment Department issued discharge permit DP-1132 under the New Mexico Water Quality Act for the Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility (RLWTF) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).  The RLWTF manages hazardous waste and the Water Quality Act is expressly limited so that it does not apply to a hazardous waste facility.  Nevertheless, the Environment Department issued LANL a Water Quality Act permit for the RLWTF.

On June 6th non-governmental organizations, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS) and Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE), filed a Petition for Review of DP-1132 with the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission. , click on Water Quality Control Commission, scroll down to Case No. WQCC 22-21 Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety and Honor Our Pueblo Existence’s Petition for Review of NMED Ground Water Discharge Permit DP-1132. 

CCNS and HOPE asked for the Commission to review DP-1132 because the RLWTF handles, treats and stores hazardous waste.  All hazardous waste facilities in New Mexico are regulated by Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as implemented by the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Act.

RCRA regulations protect human health and the environment much more thoroughly than the Water Quality Act does.  LANL plans to use the RLWTF to receive and treat radioactive and hazardous liquid waste from plutonium pit production, using tanks, pipes, containers, and evaporative disposal methods.  With such dangerous wastes, it is essential to follow rigorous RCRA requirements for tanks systems and to assess seismic vulnerability since LANL is in the Pajarito Fault Zone.

CCNS and HOPE argued to the Water Quality Control Commission that the permit must be reversed and remanded to the Environment Department because the Water Quality Act expressly does not apply to a hazardous waste facility.  § 74-6-12.B NMSA 1978.  It states:


B. The Water Quality Act does not apply to any activity or condition subject to the authority of the environmental improvement board pursuant to the Hazardous Waste Act [Chapter 74, Article 4 NMSA 1978], . . . except to abate water pollution or to control the disposal or use of septage and sludge.

The Commission did not rule on the CCNS and HOPE request.  Instead, on August 30, 2022, at the request of Triad National Security, LLC, the principal LANL contractor, and the Environment Department, the Commission stayed the permit review of DP-1132.  That means that the appeal is suspended.  The Commission’s stay, in effect, suspends the operation of the hazardous waste laws for the RLWTF.  However, the Commission left the Water Quality Act permit in effect during the stay.

LANL is clearly planning to obtain a long-term RCRA exemption from RCRA for the RLWTF.  Based on public hearings in 2010, Section 4.6 of the RCRA hazardous waste permit for LANL requires it to discharge all treated wastewater from the RLWTF through its outfall 051 into Mortandad Canyon.  It says that, if another method of wastewater disposal is used, an exemption from RCRA for the RLWTF will be lost.

New Mexico Environment Department Hazardous Waste Permit Condition 4.6 for LANL  


The Permittees shall discharge all treated wastewater from the TA-50 Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility (RLWTF) through the outfall permitted under Section 402 of the federal Clean Water Act, or as otherwise authorized by the terms of an applicable Clean Water Act permit that regulates the treatment and use of wastewater. If the Permittees intentionally discharge through a location other than the permitted outfall or as otherwise authorized, they will fail to comply with this requirement, and as a consequence the wastewater treatment unit exemption under 40 CFR § 264.1(g)(6) will no longer apply to the RLWTF. The Permittees shall not accept listed hazardous wastes as specified at 40 CFR Part 261 Subpart D at the RLWTF.

Since November 2010, LANL has used the mechanical evaporator system almost exclusively to dispose of wastewater.  In this situation, Hazardous Waste Permit Condition 4.6 would require the RLWTF to be regulated by the hazardous waste laws.  CCNS and HOPE intend to make sure that happens.

Lindsay A. Lovejoy, Jr. represents CCNS and HOPE before the Commission.

Joni Arends, of CCNS, requests your support to ensure proper regulation of the Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility at LANL.  To make a financial contribution, please visit our website at

  1. Thursday, October 27, 2022 – Biden Administration releases Nuclear Posture Review (NPR). The NPR is a subset of the National Defense Strategy and begins on p. 33 of the pdf.



  1. Friday, October 28th from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Pax Christi and others. Join us about next steps toward nuclear disarmament.



  1. Friday, October 28th at 8 am MT through Friday, November 4thviewing of virtual ceremony for the 14th anniversary of the Cold War Patriots National Day of Remembrance. Every October, the Official Cold War Patriots National Day of Remembrance™ (NDR) honors the men and women working in the U.S. nuclear weapon and uranium industries and recognizes those who are no longer with us. Often working in secrecy, these patriots have been instrumental in the protection of our nation — from WWII to today.  To register:



  1. Wednesday, November 2nd, in person and virtual Kirtland Bulk Fuels Facility Public Meeting at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial, 1100 Louisiana Blvd. SE from 6 to 8 pm. Learn about the cleanup work performed and future plans to address and remove groundwater contamination at the site.  For additional information, contact Ashley Palacios, 377th Air Base Wing Public Affairs at (505) 846-5991 or email at  Virtual meeting link:



5. Thursday, November 3rd at noon to 1 pm MT – virtual Nuclear Regulatory Commission webinar about the status of the NRC staff’s review of the proposed Holtec HI-STORE Consolidated Interim Storage Facility (CISF) license application.  NRC staff will discuss a proposed schedule for issuing its final licensing decision.  Please confirm your attendance by Wednesday, November 2nd by contacting:  NRC Contact Person:  Jose Cuadrado, (301) 415-0606, or  For more information and links:


WIPP Community Forum on Monday, October 24th at 5:30 pm at Buffalo Thunder

It is essential for folks to attend – either virtually or in person – the WIPP Community Forum on Monday, October 24th, beginning at 5:30 pm at Buffalo Thunder Resort Casino.

The Department of Energy (DOE), which owns both Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), has plans to greatly expand both facilities.  At LANL, DOE plans to increase the number of plutonium pits, or the triggers, for nuclear weapons from very few to 30 a year.  At WIPP, DOE plans to double the size of the underground waste disposal site 26 miles east of Carlsbad. It is essential we raise our voices now in opposition to DOE’s plans that would impact our communities for decades to come.  DOE has promised that at the October 24th event people will be able to make comments and ask questions to be answered at the meeting.


To register for the Community Forum, go to  Despite numerous requests for DOE to fix the registration links, they may not work.  If they don’t, please cut and paste the link into your browser….

Virtual Event:

In-Person Event:

Please note:  Despite numerous requests for representatives from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) attend the Community Forum to answer questions, WIPP stated in its announcements:

Please remember that CBFO/NWP can only answer questions within WIPP’s purview.  Questions about surplus plutonium shipments, for example, must be directed to the National Nuclear Security Administration.


A WIPP truck, with empty TRUPACTs on the trailer, will be parked outside the Buffalo Thunder facility for viewing.

WIPP hosted an event on July 7th at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center.  People wrote their questions on index cards. and

WIPP promised to post the answers on WIPP’s website, but it took more than three months for DOE to post 46 pages of responses. Clearly, there is a lot of public interest in WIPP’s expansion plans.

Questions were asked about the intersectionality of expanded pit production at LANL, the resulting increase in the amount of plutonium-contaminated waste destined for WIPP, and increased transportation of that waste through New Mexico communities already stressed by other environmental threats.

CCNS is concerned that there may not be enough room in WIPP for the buried legacy waste at LANL, estimated to be 200,000 cubic yards.  WIPP is for legacy waste generated prior to 1999. 

DOE already has agreements with other states that ship legacy waste to WIPP.  For example, the agreement with Idaho requires 55 percent of the shipments be from that state.  South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington also have expectations for reserving space at WIPP.  It is unclear how the LANL legacy waste fits into DOE’s space allocations.

But here’s the rub:  Since January 2021, the DOE has been shipping drums of legacy waste and drums of newly generated waste from pit production to WIPP.

Is the priority to get the legacy waste that is threatening the regional drinking water aquifer “off the hill,” or to support plutonium pit production?

Please make time to express your concerns either in person or virtually at the WIPP Community Forum.    Register here:

  1. Friday, October 21st from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe. Join us to discuss next steps toward nuclear disarmament.



  1. Saturday, October 22nd at 11 am Mountain – Annual White Mesa Ute Community Spiritual Walk & Protest: Protecting Our Communities, Health, Environment & Indigenous Sacred Landscapes.  The 11 am rally will be followed by the spiritual and protest walk to the White Mesa uranium mill.



  1. Wednesday, October 26 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm., virtual and in-person LANL Environmental Management Cleanup Forum at Fuller Lodge, 2131 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, NM. The focus will be on the cleanup activities for the 158 corrugated metal pipes at Area G.  The powerpoint presentation is available at:   To view the agenda and connection information, go to



  1. Friday, October 28th at 8 am MT through Friday, November 4thviewing of virtual ceremony for the 14th anniversary of the Cold War Patriots National Day of Remembrance. Every October, the Official Cold War Patriots National Day of Remembrance™ (NDR) honors the men and women working in the U.S. nuclear weapon and uranium industries and recognizes those who are no longer with us. Often working in secrecy, these patriots have been instrumental in the protection of our nation — from WWII to today.  To register:

LANL SWEIS Scoping Comments due on Tuesday, October 18th

It’s time again to submit comments about what the scope of a new Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Los Alamos National Laboratory should be as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  Comments are due on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022 by 11:59 pm Mountain Time to .

Nuclear Watch New Mexico has prepared sample scoping comments that you can use to create your own.  The comments focus on DOE’s plans to expand the fabrication of plutonium pits, or the triggers, for nuclear weapons and the impacts of such expansion to workers, public health, equity and the environment.  They are available at .

The Department of Energy (DOE) states that the purpose of its latest SWEIS “is to provide the public with an analysis of the potential environmental impacts from ongoing and reasonably foreseeable new and modified operations and facilities, and reasonable alternatives, to provide a basis for site-wide decision making and to improve and coordinate agency plans, functions, programs, and resource utilization.”  See August 19, 2022 Federal Register notice, p. 51084.  Given the broad analyses, it is important for the public to participate in this process.

This will be the fourth SWEIS the DOE has completed since the first in 1979, the second in 1999, and the third in 2008.  But there have been gaps in DOE’s analyses over the decades.  For this SWEIS, DOE has stated the scope would cover the “foreseeable future” over approximately 15-years, or to 2038 or so.  See August 19, 2022 Federal Register Notice, p. 51084.

The 1999 LANL SWEIS considered the “foreseeable future” as a 10-year period of time.  But in the final 2008 SWEIS, DOE’s “foreseeable future” was cut in half.  DOE stated that the 2008 SWEIS would consider “proposals regarding LANL operations over about the next [five] years.”  Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operations of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Summary, DOE/EIS-0380, May 2008, p. S-5 (p. 21 of pdf).

That five-year period expired in roughly 2013, or roughly a decade ago.  This is important because over the past decade DOE has been working to expand the number of plutonium pits fabricated annually – without proper NEPA analyses.

Importantly, following the issuance of the final 2008 LANL SWEIS, DOE determined it could fabricate 20 pits per year.  But in 2020 DOE gave itself permission to fabricate 50 percent more pits per year, or 30 pits per year.

What does this mean to you?  In the foreseeable future, LANL will use 50% more water, generate 50% more waste, and due to increased hiring have 50% more impact on communities – meaning more traffic, more apartments and crowded classrooms – all without proper NEPA analyses.

  1. Friday, October 7th from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe. Join us to discuss next steps toward nuclear disarmament – see below for the October 14th Defuse Nuclear War Picket at the Santa Fe Main Post Office.



  1. Friday, October 14th at noon – Join the Defuse Nuclear War peaceful protest outside of the Santa Fe Main Post Office, 120 S. Federal Place. Organized by Veterans for Peace, CCNS and Nuclear Watch NM.  For more information:  You can print out signs from the website.    



  1. POSTPONED to December – Tuesday, October 18th from 3 to 5 pm – virtual public meeting of the Radioactive Waste Consultation Task Force, also known as the Governor’s WIPP Task Force.



  1. Tuesday, October 18th Scoping Comments due to DOE/NNSA/LANL about the Notice of Intent to Prepare a Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operations of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. and   Sample public comments you can modify will be available at



  1. Thursday, October 20th from 5:30 to 7 pm – 35th Anniversary Celebration of the New Mexico Environmental Law Center at the Albuquerque office, 722 Isleta Blvd. SW. Join the celebration with delicious food and live music by Los Domingueros, New Mexico’s premier menudo-based band.



  1. Saturday, October 22nd at 11 am Mountain – White Mesa Ute Community Spiritual Walk & Protest: Protecting Our Communities, Health, Environment & Indigenous Sacred Landscapes.  The 11 am rally will be followed by the spiritual and protest walk to the White Mesa uranium mill.



  1. Monday, October 24th from 5:30 to 7 pm at Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino – in person and virtual WIPP Community Forum & Open House. There will be a short presentation and an extended Q&A period with this caveat:  “Please remember that CBFO/NWP can only answer questions within WIPP’s purview.  Questions about surplus plutonium shipments, for example, must be directed to the National Nuclear Security Administration.”


A WIPP truck, with empty TRUPACTs, will be parked outside for viewing.

Register For In-Person Event:

Register For Virtual Event:


McGinty to United Nations: “A broken system allows nine nations to hold the world hostage”

On September 26th, Molly McGinty, Associate Program Director for the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), spoke at the High-Level Meeting of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons at the United Nations.  McGinty said:

“Honorable President, Distinguished Delegates, and friends,

“I join you as a representative of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and a young person inheriting the world you are building in these very halls.  Today, on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, 77 years after the world stumbled into the nuclear age, we stand on the precipice of nuclear annihilation.

“If action is not taken, it is only a matter of time until nuclear weapons are used, whether on purpose, by accident or miscalculation.  Studies show that a nuclear war using less than 3% of the world’s nuclear weapons could kill up to every 3rd person on earth.  A full-scale nuclear war between Russia and the United States would threaten human survival.

“Despite their empty promises, all nine nuclear weapon states are enhancing, modernizing, and increasing their nuclear arsenals.  These deadly investments take precious resources away from addressing the other existential threat to our future: the climate crisis.  Climate justice cannot be reached while nuclear weapons continue to plague our planet.

“Recent nuclear threats are a symptom of a broken system which allows nine nations to hold the world hostage with their genocidal weapons. We call on all nations to condemn all threats to use nuclear weapons. But condemnation is not enough. The only way we can step back from the brink of disaster is by eliminating these weapons.

“Distinguished Delegates,

“A world without nuclear weapons is possible.

“A new generation of changemakers — many of whom are witnessing the climate crisis first hand — are waking up to the shocking reality of our global nuclear architecture for the first time.  We demand action be taken before our future is ripped out from under our feet.  We reject the complacency of nuclear-armed states and their allies, and thank those who have paved the path to abolition.

“The abolition of nuclear weapons is not an abstract goal.  The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons [TPNW] was adopted by this UN General Assembly in 2017 and held its first Meeting of States Parties earlier this year in Vienna. With the landmark Vienna Declaration and a growing number of supportive states, the TPNW is a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

“Distinguished Delegates,

“As the threat of nuclear war grows, so does the global opposition to nuclear weapons.  In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one million people worldwide signed IPPNW’s petition with 16 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates calling on Russia and NATO to renounce any use of nuclear weapons in this conflict and urging all countries to support the TPNW.

“While nuclear sabers are rattling, I stand with the support of over one million individuals and once again urge Russia and NATO to use the 77th General Assembly to heed our call and renounce the use of nuclear weapons.  To the Member States who have not signed or ratified the TPNW:  do not delay your support until it is too late.

“Distinguished Delegates,

“The time for rhetoric is over. If we survive this moment, we must learn from our worldwide near-death experience and never again find ourselves on the edge of a precipice of our own making.

“It is either the end of nuclear weapons, or the end of us.  The choice is yours.”

  1. Friday, October 7th from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe. Join us to discuss next steps toward nuclear disarmament – see below for the October 14th Defuse Nuclear War Picket at the Santa Fe Main Post Office.



  1. Saturday, October 1st to Saturday, October 8thKeep Space for Peace Week, presented by the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. and



  1. Friday, October 14th at noon – Join the Defuse Nuclear War Picket line outside of the Santa Fe Main Post Office, 120 S. Federal Place. Organized by Veterans for Peace, CCNS and Nuclear Watch NM.  For more information:  You can print out signs from the website.    



  1. Tuesday, October 18th from 3 to 5 pm – virtual public meeting of the Radioactive Waste Consultation Task Force, also known as the Governor’s WIPP Task Force. Register in advance at   A preliminary agenda for the public meeting will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.  A final agenda will be posted no later than 24 hours before the meeting.



  1. Tuesday, October 18thScoping Comments due to DOE/NNSA/LANL about the Notice of Intent to Prepare a Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operations of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. and   Sample public comments you can modify will be available at



  1. Thursday, October 20th from 5:30 to 7 pm – 35th Anniversary Celebration of the New Mexico Environmental Law Center at the Albuquerque office, 722 Isleta Blvd. SW. Join the celebration with delicious food and live music by Los Domingueros, New Mexico’s premier menudo-based band.



  1. Saturday, October 22nd at 11 am Mountain – White Mesa Ute Community Spiritual Walk & Protest: Protecting Our Communities, Health, Environment & Indigenous Sacred Landscapes.  The 11 am rally will be followed by the spiritual and protest walk to the White Mesa uranium mill.

The New Hazardous Waste Facilities at LANL

On May 5th, 2022, the New Mexico Environment Department issued a new groundwater discharge permit for the Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory under the New Mexico Water Quality Act.  It is discharge permit DP-1132.  The facility, located near the Plutonium Facility, handles, treats and stores radioactive and hazardous liquid wastes from operations across the LANL site.  2022-05-05 – WPD GWQB DP-1132 FinalDP

On June 6th, CCNS and Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE) appealed DP-1132 to the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission arguing that the Environment Department does not have subject matter jurisdiction under the Water Quality Act to issue the permit. , scroll down to Water Quality Control Commission, Case No. WQCC 22-21 CCNS and HOPE Petition for Review of NMED Ground Water Discharge Permit DP-1132.

The organizations argue that the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as implemented by the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Act, must regulate this facility because it handles, treats and stores hazardous liquid waste.  The hazardous waste laws have additional requirements for handling liquid waste in tanks, a public permitting process, and seismic analyses because the facility is located within the Pajarito Fault System.

For the tank systems, the regulations require LANL to submit an assessment by a professional engineer, attesting to the design, structural integrity, and compatibility of tank systems.  The equipment must be supported and protected against physical damage and excessive stress due to settlement, vibration, expansion or contraction.  There must be corrosion protection, as recommended by an independent corrosion expert.

Since the May 2000 Cerro Grande fire, LANL has been working to reconstruct the facility, as well as plan and construct a new low-level radioactive liquid waste treatment facility and a new transuranic, or plutonium, liquid waste treatment facility.  Both would assume functions now performed by the existing facility.

But the Water Quality Act does not regulate the construction or operation of waste management facilities.  Nevertheless, under the Water Quality Act regulations, LANL is attempting to construct new facilities, and claiming that, so long as the existing volume and contaminants in the discharge are not exceeded, no Environment Department approval is required.

So LANL will construct the two new liquid waste treatment facilities, accept hazardous waste, and put them into operation under DP-1132 without any further proceedings and, equally clearly, without meeting the standards of the hazardous waste laws and regulations.  Once built, these new facilities, noncompliant with the RCRA, would stand as a fait accompli, defying any attempt to bring them into RCRA compliance.  CCNS and HOPE are attempting to stop this evasion of the hazardous waste laws.

Attorney Lindsay A. Lovejoy, Jr., represents CCNS and HOPE.  To view the pleadings, go to

  1. Friday, September 30th from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe. Join us to discuss next steps toward nuclear disarmament, including local organizing efforts for Defuse Nuclear War.



  1. Saturday, October 1st to Saturday, October 8thKeep Space for Peace Week, presented by the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. and



  1. Monday, October 3rd at 11 am Mountain, 6 pm BST (British Summer Time) – Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) will host an online event for the 70th anniversary of the first UK nuclear tests in Australia.  To register:



  1. Tuesday, October 4thPublic Comments due to the NM Environment Department about Remedy Selection for Area of Concern: The Tijeras Arroyo Groundwater at the DOE Sandia National Laboratory.  For more information: , scroll down to Tijeras Arroyo Groundwater (TAG).



  1. Tuesday, October 18thScoping Comments due to DOE/NNSA/LANL about the Notice of Intent to Prepare a Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operations of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. and



  1. Saturday, October 22nd at 11 am Mountain – White Mesa Ute Community Spiritual Walk & Protest: Protecting Our Communities, Health, Environment & Indigenous Sacred Landscapes.  The 11 am rally will be followed by the spiritual and protest walk to the White Mesa uranium mill.          WhiteMesaWalk_Poster_For-Community

How did we get here? Putin Threatens Use of Nuclear Weapons

On Wednesday, September 21st, the International Day of Peace, Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons in the Ukrainian War.  His threats to use nuclear weapons surpass Russia’s official nuclear doctrine.  As posted on , Putin said, “In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us.  This is not a bluff.”

Putin’s threats demonstrate that nuclear rhetoric moves us all towards nuclear destruction.  On the same day, U.S. President Joe Biden, speaking at the United Nations, reported that, “141 nations in the General Assembly came together to unequivocally condemn Russia’s war against Ukraine,” while noting the “responsibilities of the non-proliferation regime.”

How did we get here?  We know that non-proliferation regime does not work.  Just look at the recent failure of the four-week long United Nations Review Conference on the 1970 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in August.  Is it because the corporate interests to make weapons overwhelm the efforts for peace and stability?  Over the next 30 years, it is estimated that trillions of dollars would be spent on modernizing nuclear weapons.

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons urged the international community to respond swiftly and strongly to the new and more aggressive threats by Russia to use nuclear weapons.  The Campaign reminds us “In June 2022, states parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) condemned ‘unequivocally any and all nuclear threats, whether they be explicit or implicit and irrespective of the circumstances.’” The Campaign urges countries to join the TPNW now.

What tools do we have to give peace a chance?  The TPNW prohibits the “use or threaten to use nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.”  While the nine nuclear states, including Russia and the U.S., have not signed and ratified the Treaty, a growing number of countries around the world have.

And as many countries recognize – any use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic and wide-ranging consequences, especially in densely populated regions such as Europe.  Even so-called tactical nuclear weapons of the kind that some speculate Russia might use in the Ukraine conflict typically have explosive yields in the range of 10 to 100 kilotons.  In comparison, the U.S. atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945, killing 140,000 men, women and children, had a yield of just 15 kilotons. and

  1. Capitol Hill Citizen: Letter from New Mexico: Nuclear bombs are US:  “They all say one thing to get elected and another once they get there,” by Carol Miller.  This is a new print tabloid that is delivered to every DC Congressional office and committee.  Ralph Nader is the editor.  It is not online, paper only. You can obtain a paper copy at



  1. Friday, September 23rd from noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the corners of Alameda and Guadalupe in downtown Santa Fe. Join us to discuss next steps toward nuclear disarmament, including local organizing efforts for Defuse Nuclear War.



  1. Friday, September 23rd from 3 to 7 pm – New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) will host an Open House / Los Alamos Community Engagement Meeting Notice at the NMED Oversight Bureau Office, located at 1183 Diamond Drive, Suite B, Los Alamos, NM. There will be NMED staff demonstrations and information areas throughout the office with opportunities to ask questions about activities at LANL within the Oversight Bureau purview. 2022-09-15 – COMMS NMED hosts Los Alamos Community Engagement Meeting and Open House (Final)



  1. Saturday, September 24th from 4 to 8 pm. Celebration of community activist Allen Cooper’s life, from 4 to 8 pm at the Albuquerque Peace and Justice Center, 202 Harvard Drive SE, Albuquerque, NM.  “Come to this community celebration of our dear friend Allen’s life.  Bring a potluck dish to share, & a mask to protect yourself & others. Feel free to share your stories, memories, & photos if you have any!”



  1. Thursday, September 29th at 11 am Mountain, 7 pm CEST (Central European Summer Time) – Online Panel on Current Developments in Nuclear Disarmament: “One Year, Two Conferences – Where Do We Go from Here?  International Perspectives on Nuclear Disarmament in 2022.”  To register:



  1. Monday, October 3rd at 11 am Mountain, 6 pm BST (British Summer Time) – Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) will host an online event for the 70th anniversary of the first UK nuclear tests in Australia.  To register:



  1. Tuesday, October 4thPublic Comments due to the NM Environment Department about Remedy Selection for Area of Concern: The Tijeras Arroyo Groundwater at the DOE Sandia National Laboratory.  For more information: , scroll down to Tijeras Arroyo Groundwater (TAG).



  1. Tuesday, October 18thScoping Comments due to DOE/NNSA/LANL about the Notice of Intent to Prepare a Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operations of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. and