Current Activities

Congressman Garamendi Asks “Why does America need nuclear weapons?”

On August 13th, U.S. Congressman John Garamendi of California delivered a speech at the United States Strategic Command 2024 Strategic Deterrence Amidst Global Transformation Symposium in which he asked “Why?” as in “Why does America need nuclear weapons?” and mostly importantly asked, “How do we deter in a way that ensures there is a tomorrow worth protecting?  Must we continue a 50-year-old triad strategy without considering the alternatives?  Why, why are we stuck in a logic silo with the blast door closed?” To read Congressman John Garamendi’s (CA-08) full statement, 240813 Garamendi U.S. Strategic Command 2024 Deterrence Symposium Remarks 1

While the focus of the speech was about “Why the Sentinel is a Costly and Dangerous Mistake,” he began by describing the efforts in 1985 of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, whom he called “two cold warriors at the head of the world’s largest nuclear arsenals.”

Garamendi acknowledged their declaration that “nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. That declaration was regularly repeated and reaffirmed by the leaders of all five Nuclear Weapon States in 2022. This recognition should be the start and end of every conversation on nuclear weapons.

“Nevertheless, nuclear powers, since the advent of the Cold War, instead seem to have concluded that deterrence requires more nuclear weapons of every kind than the adversary. … but ignores the most important question: WHY?

“Leadership requires the rigorous use of that three-letter word, Why. We must avoid blind adherence to yesterday’s decisions. In today’s discussion, that means asking what is sufficient for nuclear deterrence. Looking at past strategies and relying on past assumptions isn’t enough. Old cold-war mentalities will create unacceptable costs, rob us of alternatives, and place us in even greater danger. Instead, we must think boldly and not repeat the problems of our history. …

“So, let us ask a foundational question: Why does America need nuclear weapons? …

“Leaders like Reagan, JFK, Eisenhower, Carter, and Obama knew that nuclear weapons could end civilization and, with those heavy moral and ethical considerations in mind, negotiated significant safety measures and a serious reduction in nuclear weapons.

“These leaders demonstrated vision and commitment. They knew that war was not an option, so they had to create a vision for a safer future. Unfortunately, too many today shrug their shoulders and say the time for negations is not now. Which brings us to yet another question…Why not try? Over the next 30 years, we will spend almost 2 trillion dollars on our nuclear weapons… what if we spent just 1% on diplomatic and risk reduction efforts?”

To read Congressman John Garamendi (CA-08) full statement, 240813 Garamendi U.S. Strategic Command 2024 Deterrence Symposium Remarks 1

  1. Friday, August 16th at noon at the intersection of West Alameda and Sandoval for the weekly one-hour peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament. Bring your flags, signs and banners.  Join the weekly peaceful protest with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Tuesday, August 13th by 5 pm MT – Comment Period Extended to September 10, 2024 about the Second Five-Year Report about the DOE/Sandia Mixed Waste Landfill. For information about the hazards, leaks and threats of not removing the waste from the unlined Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL), visit the Citizen Action New Mexico website at:  

 To review the public notice and administrative information about the MWL, go to the New Mexico Environment Department:

 In your comments, provide your name and address and reference:  SNL – MWL Second Five-Year Report, December 2023.

Submit them to:

Neelam Dhawan, Acting Program Manager

NMED – Hazardous Waste Bureau

2905 rodeo Park Drive East, Bldg. 1

Santa Fe, NM  87505-6303


Phone:  505-476-6000



  1. Saturday, August 10th through Saturday, August 31st2024 Oppenheimer Festival at SALA, 2551 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, NM. Schedules and tickets:



  1. Wednesday, August 21st from 6 to 8 pm – Virtual educational webinar about DOE’s plans to double the size of the WIPP underground disposal site. Don Hancock, the Director of the Southwest Research and Information Center Nuclear Waste Program , and Doug Meiklejohn, the Water Quality and Land Restoration Advocate at Conservation Voters of New Mexico , will present about the DOE Planned Change Request, EPA’s decision making process, and how you can help stop WIPP expansion.  Zoom registration link:

The informational webinar will prepare you to provide public comments at the EPA’s Carlsbad and Santa Fe meetings.  Details below:


  1. On Monday, August 26th from 2 to 4 pm at the DOE’s Carlsbad Field Office, 4021 National Parks Highway, EPA will host its in person and virtual meeting about the DOE’s Planned Change Request meeting.  Zoom registration link:


  1. On Wednesday, August 28th from 1 to 3 pm in the Canyon Ballroom at the Hilton Santa Fe-Historic Plaza, 100 Sandoval Street in Santa Fe, EPA will host an in-person and virtual technical meeting among experts about planned changed request.  The public is invited to observe.  Zoom registration link:


  1. On Wednesday, August 28th from 6 to 8 pm in the Canyon Ballroom at the Hilton Santa Fe-Historic Plaza, 100 Sandoval Street in Santa Fe, EPA will host an in-person and virtual public meeting and receive comments about DOE’s Planned Change Request.  Zoom registration link:




  1. Friday, August 30 through September – 58 years: retrospective exhibit of works by Cathie Sullivan at El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe, 555 Camino de La Familia, Santa Fe.  Opening on August 30 from 5 to 7 pm.  The exhibit includes 57 oil paintings, drawings and limited edition silk screen prints, three bronzes, 20 animal carvings and hand and digitally printed note cards.  80% of sale proceeds will be donated to Amigos Del Parque, Nuclear Watch NM and El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe.

EPA Public Meetings about WIPP Expansion: August 26th in Carlsbad and August 28th in Santa Fe

The Department of Energy (DOE) wants to expand its operations at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for plutonium-contaminated waste from the fabrication of nuclear weapons.  In March, DOE submitted a Planned Change Request to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeking permission to mine and operate two underground disposal panels in the WIPP underground disposal facility. EPA wants to hear from you and is hosting public meetings in Carlsbad and Santa Fe the week of August 26th.

EPA has one of two ways to decide whether to grant permission.  One is through an internal administrative process.  The second is through a legal rulemaking that allows the public to present legal challenges to the decision.  A full rulemaking and a comprehensive review of the risks from DOE’s proposed changes is the only way to ensure nuclear safety.

Further, DOE wants to significantly expand the WIPP underground with Panels 11 and 12 and eventually mine seven additional panels – Panels 13 through 19 – to bring new types of waste to WIPP, including surplus plutonium.  As a result EPA requested additional scientific data and information about how seven new panels and new types of waste would affect WIPP’s ability to contain the waste for 10,000 years.

To help you prepare public comments, the Stop Forever WIPP Coalition is hosting a virtual educational webinar on Wednesday, August 21st from 6 to 8 pm.  Don Hancock, the Director of the Southwest Research and Information Center Nuclear Waste Program , and Doug Meiklejohn, the Water Quality and Land Restoration Advocate at Conservation Voters of New Mexico , will present about the DOE Planned Change Request, EPA’s decision making process, and how you can help stop WIPP expansion.  Zoom registration link:

The informational webinar will prepare you to provide public comments at the in-person and virtual EPA meeting on Monday, August 26th from 2 to 4 pm at the DOE’s Carlsbad Field Office, 4021 National Parks Highway.  Zoom registration link:

On Wednesday, August 28th from 1 to 3 pm in Santa Fe, EPA will host an in-person and virtual technical meeting among experts about planned changed request.  The public is invited to observe.  Zoom registration link:

From 6 to 8 pm EPA will host an in-person and virtual public meeting and receive comments about DOE’s Planned Change Request.

Both Santa Fe meetings will take place in the Canyon Ballroom at the Hilton Santa Fe-Historic Plaza, 100 Sandoval Street.

  1. Friday, August 9th at 11 am on the Santa Fe Plaza – A Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemoration Event with speakers and songs by the Raging Grannies. Join in on the singing. 

 At 11:45 am we’ll walk to the intersection of West Alameda and Sandoval for the weekly one-hour peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament.  Bring your flags, signs and banners.  Join the weekly peaceful protest with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Monday, August 5th through Friday, August 9thNM Water Quality Control Commission public hearing about reuse of fracking “produced water” waste continues.

Tuesday, August 6th through Friday, August 9th:  public comment from 9 to 10 am and 1 to 2 pm.

For more information: 



The Public Hearing for proposed supplemental water reuse regulations will continue in-person in Room 322 at the New Mexico State Capitol, 411 S. Capitol Street, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and via the WebEx video conferencing platform beginning on Monday, August 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.

and continuing as necessary. Detailed information concerning the time and location can be found on the New Mexico Environment Department’s (“NMED’s”) Event Calendar at . Please visit the WQCC website prior to the hearing for any updates at



  1. Thursday, August 8th from 5:30 to 7 pm – New Mexico Environment Department virtual public meeting about its nomination of certain surface waters of New Mexico as Outstanding National Resource Waters (ONRWs). Opportunities to ask questions and provide comments. 

The draft nomination, amended regulatory language, and additional information are available on the NMED website ( The SWQB is holding a public comment period on the nomination and amended regulatory language through August 19, 2024, at 5:00 PM MDT.  If you have any questions or to submit comments, please contact Michael Baca, WQS Coordinator, NMED SWQB, P.O. Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM, 87502, or (505) 470-1652.



  1. Tuesday, August 13th by 5 pm MT – Comments about the Second Five-Year Report about the DOE/Sandia Mixed Waste Landfill. For information about the hazards, leaks and threats of not removing the waste from the unlined Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL), visit the Citizen Action New Mexico website at:

To review the public notice and administrative information about the MWL, go to the New Mexico Environment Department:

In your comments, provide your name and address and reference:  SNL – MWL Second Five-Year Report, December 2023.

Submit them to:

Neelam Dhawan, Acting Program Manager

NMED – Hazardous Waste Bureau

2905 rodeo Park Drive East, Bldg. 1

Santa Fe, NM  87505-6303


Phone:  505-476-6000

Thank you!



  1. Wednesday, August 14th from 7 am to 2 pm MT – Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) – Observe the public hearing focused on aging safety infrastructure. This public hearing will benchmark best practices in the management of aging safety infrastructure to inform the development of potential safety improvements to the DOE’s programs.  The hearing will explore insights and experience from the NRC, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NASA, GAO and American Nuclear Society.

The hearing will be accessible via live stream through the website at  The DNFSB will accept written statements, which can be submitted to




Join us on Friday, August 9th at 11 am for a Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemoration Event on the Santa Fe Plaza

All are welcome to join the Veterans For Peace, New Mexico PeaceFests and Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety on Friday, August 9th at 11 am on the Santa Fe Plaza to commemorate the events leading up to the U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in early August 1945.

Near the end of World War II, on August 6th, 1945, the United States dropped a uranium atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.  It was the first use of an atomic weapon in war.  Its codename was “Little Boy.”  It is estimated that between 90,000 and 140,000 people in Hiroshima died, the majority were civilians. 

Three days later, on August 9th, 1945, the United States dropped a plutonium atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan with the codename “Fat Man.”  An estimated 60,000 to 80,000 people in Nagasaki were killed, including residents, undocumented foreign workers and military personnel.    

The magnitude of death, horror and agony from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki showed the world that nuclear weapons must never be used again.

At 11 am on the Santa Fe Plaza, we will come together to sing songs of peace and against nuclear weapons, to honor the victims and survivors of nuclear bombs development, testing and use around the world.  We will vow to never allow another nuclear atrocity.

At 11:45 am we’ll walk to the intersection of West Alameda and Sandoval for the weekly peaceful protest, which lasts until 1 pm.  We’ll display the Veterans for Peace flags, our banners that read, “Nuclear Weapons Are Illegal,” “A World Without Nuclear Weapons,” and banners with the words of the Pope about nuclear weapons being immoral.  We’ll also display the Plutonium Caravan banner and signs that state that the nuclear weapons ban treaty, or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, is now in force.

It has been 79 years since those atrocities occurred.  Now some world leaders are saying the silent part out loud and urging the use of nuclear weapons to resolve conflicts.

Please join us on the Plaza and at the intersection of West Alameda and Sandoval as we work together for peace in this world.

  1. Friday, August 2nd at noon to 1 pm – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. New Mexico Water Planning Open Houses sponsored by the Office of the State Engineer, Interstate Stream Commission. For more information about how to help establish a roadmap for the future water planning in New Mexico:

Mon. August 5 – Region 6 – Northwest New Mexico

Tues. August 6 – Region 2 – San Juan

Wed. August 7 – Region 12 – Middle Rio Grande



  1. Monday, August 5th through Friday, August 9th – NM Water Quality Control Commission public hearing about reuse of fracking “produced water” waste continues. Justin Noble, author of Petroleum 238, will testify on Tuesday, August 6th.

Monday, August 5th:  public comment from 1 to 2 pm and 5 to 6 pm

Tuesday, August 6th through Friday, August 9th:  public comment from 9 to 10 am and 1 to 2 pm.


For more information: 



The Public Hearing for proposed supplemental water reuse regulations will continue in-person in Room 322 at the New Mexico State Capitol, 411 S. Capitol Street, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and via the WebEx video conferencing platform beginning on Monday, August 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.

and continuing as necessary. Detailed information concerning the time and location can be found on the New Mexico Environment Department’s (“NMED’s”) Event Calendar at . Please visit the WQCC website prior to the hearing for any updates at



  1. Tuesday, August 6th – Back from the Brink events. For more information:  

 2024 Nuclear Prayer Day for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons on the 79th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan): Reflection, Hope and Action.

 From Trinity to Nagasaki:  Honor Victims with Action this Summer.



  1. Tuesday, August 6th at 5 pm MT – Nuclear Waste: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? – a virtual presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards, President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR), about the dangerous flaws inherent in Canada’s proposed deep geological repository for storing high-level nuclear waste…forever. To register for the Seniors for Climate Action NOW! presentation, go to Nuclear Waste: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?



  1. Thursday, August 8th from 5:30 to 7 pm – New Mexico Environment Department virtual public meeting about its nomination of certain surface waters of New Mexico as Outstanding National Resource Waters (ONRWs). Opportunities to ask questions and provide comments. 

The draft nomination, amended regulatory language, and additional information are available on the NMED website ( The SWQB is holding a public comment period on the nomination and amended regulatory language through August 19, 2024, at 5:00 PM MDT. 

If you have any questions or to submit comments, please contact Michael Baca, WQS Coordinator, NMED SWQB, P.O. Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM, 87502, or (505) 470-1652.



  1. Monday, August 26th from 2 to 4 pm – EPA meeting about DOE’s Planned Change Request for WIPP Replacement Panels 11 and 12. Meeting location: S. Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office, Skeen-Whitlock Building, Main Auditorium, 4021 National Parks Highway, Carlsbad, NM.



  1. Wednesday, August 28th from 1 to 3 pm (technical meeting) and from 6 to 8 pm public meetings about DOE’s Planned Change Request for WIPP Replacement Panels 11 and 12. Meeting location:  Hilton Santa Fe-Historic Plaza, 100 Sandoval Street, Canyon Ballroom, Santa Fe, NM.   


Background on WIPP Planned Change Request: Replacement Panels 11 and 12

On March 14, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency received the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) letter transmitting its Planned Change Request (PCR) for the use of Replacement Panels 11 and 12 in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). This PCR serves as an official request from DOE for EPA approval, as outlined in the Agency’s WIPP Compliance Criteria (40 CFR Part 194).

The 2014 incident at WIPP and its subsequent impacts at the facility resulted in a loss of underground disposal capacity, mainly due to closures in the southern portion of the repository. With this submittal, DOE is proposing to add replacement panels 11 and 12 to recover the lost disposal capacity of approximately two panels. These panels were previously approved by the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) under their hazardous waste permit in October 2023.

The Agency is currently reviewing and evaluating the PCR and supporting documentation, both for completeness and technical adequacy. EPA is reviewing the Performance Assessment (PA) calculations included with the DOE request. EPA’s decision on the DOE request will be made based on whether the submitted information indicates that the WIPP will remain in compliance with EPA’s radioactive waste disposal standards (40 CFR Part 191) with the inclusion of replacement panels 11 and 12.

Public comments due on September 16, 2024.



Archbishop Wester’s Statement to the DOE, NNSA and EM at July 22nd Town Hall

Santa Fe Archbishop John Wester wrote a statement for last Monday’s Town Hall concerning plutonium pit production at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) hosted by National Nuclear Security Administrator Jill Hruby and the Department of Energy (DOE) Senior Advisor of the Office of Environmental Management, Candice Robertson.  Jay Coghlan, of Nuclear Watch New Mexico, read the Archbishop’s statement aloud.

The Buffalo Thunder event drew over 500 people in person and online, possibly more than attended the Town Hall held at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center on April 4, 2023.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I’m John C. Wester, the Catholic Archbishop of Santa Fe. I regret that I can’t attend this meeting in person. Nuclear weapons were invented here in my Archdiocese. Therefore, I feel a special responsibility to address humanity’s most urgent threat.

“Nuclear disarmament is a right to life issue. No other issue can cause the immediate collapse of civilization. In January 2022 I wrote a pastoral letter in which I traced the Vatican’s evolution from its uneasy conditional acceptance of so-called deterrence to Pope Francis’ declaration that the very possession of nuclear weapons is immoral.

“Therefore, what does this say about expanded plutonium pit production at the Los Alamos Lab? And what does it say about the obscene amounts of money that are being thrown at pit production, often excused as job creation?

“What does this say about the fact that the [NNSA] is pursuing expanded pit production without providing the public the opportunity to review and comment as required by the National Environmental Policy Act? I specifically call upon NNSA to complete a new LANL Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement.

“In two weeks, I travel to Japan for the 79th atomic bombing anniversaries. The bishops of Santa Fe, Seattle, Hiroshima and Nagasaki have a simple message for world leaders. You utterly failed to begin serious negotiations as required by the 1970 NonProliferation Treaty. In this era, you must demonstrate concrete steps toward multilateral, verifiable nuclear disarmament by the 80th bombing anniversaries a year from now.

“I have a simple message for NNSA and the nuclear weapons labs. You’re very good at creating them. Now show us how smart you are by demonstrating how to get rid of nuclear weapons. Stop this new arms race that threatens all of civilization. Let’s preserve humanity’s potential to manifest God’s divine love toward all beings.

“Yours in Christ’s love,

“John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe”


For more information:

La Jicarita:  The NNSA and DOE get an ear full from the anti-nuke community (July 24, 2024).

Santa Fe Reporter:  Advocates Pass on Plutonium:  New Mexicans speak out against proposed LANL pit production at town hall (July 24, 2024).

Be sure to watch the Friday, August 2, 2024 episode of New Mexico In Focus, KNME PBS with Don Hancock, Southwest Research and Information Center, and Myrriah Gomez, Ph.D., author of “Nuclear Nuevo México:  Colonialism and the Effects of the Nuclear Industrial Complex on Nuevomexicanos” as they discuss the July 22, 2024 town hall with host Megan Kamerick. at 7 pm Mountain Time.

LANL Town Hall:  A town hall held on July 22, 2024 by NSA and OEM on the operation of Los Alamos National Laboratories and the cleanup of nuclear waste at the site.

  1. Friday, July 26th at noon – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Thursday, July 25th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm Mountain Time – LANL Environmental Management Sampling & Cleanup Forum. Virtual and in-person event.  The focus will be how sampling informs cleanup.

In person:  SALA Event Center, 2551 Central Ave., Los Alamos.

Virtual:  via Microsoft Teams.

For meeting details, including login information and agenda, visit:  



  1. Saturday, July 27th from 3 to 7 pm Mountain Time – Peacestock ’24 – Settler Colonialism:  Then…and Now, in-person and via Zoom, hosted by Veterans for Peace Chapter 27 and Women Against Military Madness.  Register for the Zoom at



  1. Tuesday, July 30th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm – WIPP Community Forum & Open House. In person at Skeen-Whitlock Building Auditorium, 4021 National Parks Highway, Carlsbad, NM and virtually.

Agenda:  DOE will provide an update on WIPP and the required Legacy TRU Waste Disposal Plan under the NM Environment Department Hazardous Waste Permit for WIPP.  Following the updates, an extended question and answer period will be held.

An open house is scheduled following the meeting to allow stakeholders to spend one-on-one time with the WIPP Leadership Team.



  1. New Mexico Water Planning Open Houses sponsored by the Office of the State Engineer, Interstate Stream Commission. For more information about how to help establish a roadmap for the future water planning in New Mexico:

Mon. August 5 – Region 6 – Northwest New Mexico

Tues. August 6 – Region 2 – San Juan

Wed. August 7 – Region 12 – Middle Rio Grande



  1. Tuesday, August 6th – Back from the Brink events:

2024 Nuclear Prayer Day for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons on the 79th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan): Reflection, Hope and Action.

From Trinity to Nagasaki:  Honor Victims with Action this Summer.



  1. Webinar and Transcript of July 15, 2024 CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING: Radioactive Contamination of U.S. Food and Water and What Congress Can Do About It, hosted by the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN).

For those who registered and were unable to attend, you can watch the full webinar here. The transcript can be found here.

Take action on this crucial issue at the MoveOn (for signature) petition and FDA Citizen Petition (for comment). You’ll find both here . This can no longer be status quo; FDA must act now!


Expansion of LANL and WIPP are Major Public Concerns for Monday, July 22nd DOE Meeting at Buffalo Thunder Resort

On Thursday, July 18th at 8 am Mountain Time, you will have an informative opportunity to hear from two experts, Don Hancock and Myrriah Gómez, when they discuss the major public concerns regarding the plans of the Department of Energy (DOE) to expand operations at two of their facilities in New Mexico. (see link BELOW to the recorded interview)  Those sites are Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).  Host of KUNM-FM’s Let’s Talk New Mexico show, Megan Kamerick will facilitate the conversation about DOE’s plans to increase the number of nuclear weapons fabricated at LANL resulting in more plutonium-contaminated nuclear waste destined for WIPP.

Then on Monday, July 22nd from 6 to 7:30 pm, key officials from DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and Office of Environmental Management (EM) will make short presentations at their in person and virtual town hall.  The town hall will be held at the Buffalo Thunder Resort, located 13 miles north of downtown Santa Fe on U.S. 84 / 285 from 6 to 7:30 p.m., in the Pueblo Ballroom on the second floor.   Parking is available on the north side of the building.

NNSA Administrator, Jill Hruby, and EM Senior Advisor, Candice Robertson, will host the town hall and be available to answer your questions.

To register, go to:  You also email your questions ahead of time.

It is essential that the federal agencies hear your concerns!

Your questions could include:  What is the future of WIPP, which was supposed to be a pilot project, and closed in March 2024?  How much waste will be generated by the proposed increase during the fabrication of plutonium pits, or the triggers, for nuclear weapons at LANL?  How long will WIPP remain open?  DOE is saying WIPP would operate for 60 more years, or at least until 2083, or essentially FOREVER.

In the 1970s through the 1990s, DOE promised the People of New Mexico that if WIPP were opened, it would be able to cleanup and dispose of all the plutonium-contaminated waste at its sites across the country, including LANL, in 25 years and then close.  But that did not happen.  DOE now claims WIPP must stay open for at least six more decades to dispose of waste from LANL and other sites.

There are many resources to help you develop your comments at ; ; and .

Let’s Talk NM:  Let’s talk nuclear waste production and storage, by Megan Kamerick.

  1. Friday, July 19th at noon – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Thursday, July 18th from 5 to 7 pm – KAFB Bulk Fuels Facility Project – KAFB Groundwater Treatment System facility open house and site tours of the facility.   For additional information on this event, please contact 377th Air Base Wing/Public Affairs at (505) 846-5991 or by email –

Also, community members may review Air Force Environmental Restoration Program documents by visiting the Kirtland AFB website at or the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center Administrative Record website at



  1. Water Planning Open Houses sponsored by the Office of the State Engineer, Interstate Stream Commission. For more information about how to help establish a roadmap for the future water planning in New Mexico:


July 22 – Region 15 – Socorro – Sierra

July 23 – Region 4 – Southwest New Mexico

July 24 – Region 11 – Lower Rio Grande

August 5 – Region 6 – Northwest New Mexico

August 6 – Region 2 – San Juan

August 7 – Region 12 – Middle Rio Grande



  1. Thursday, July 25th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm Mountain Time – LANL Environmental Management Sampling & Cleanup Forum. Virtual and in-person event.  The focus will be how sampling informs cleanup.


In person:  SALA Event Center, 2551 Central Ave., Los Alamos.

Virtual:  via Microsoft Teams.

For meeting details, including login information and agenda, visit:  



  1. Tuesday, July 30th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm – WIPP Community Forum & Open House. In person at Skeen-Whitlock Building Auditorium, 4021 National Parks Highway, Carlsbad, NM and virtual event.

 Agenda:  DOE will provide an update on WIPP and the required Legacy TRU Waste Disposal Plan under the NM Environment Department Hazardous Waste Permit for WIPP.  Following the updates, an extended question and answer period will be held.

An open house is scheduled following the meeting to allow stakeholders to spend one-on-one time with the WIPP Leadership Team


DOE, NNSA and Environmental Management Officials Host Town Hall at Buffalo Thunder Monday, July 22nd

A follow-up to the Department of Energy (DOE) town hall in April 2023 at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center that nearly 500 people attended in-person or virtually, will be held Monday, July 22nd from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at the Hilton Santa Fe Buffalo Thunder, 13 miles north of downtown Santa Fe on U.S. 84 / 285., and

The National Nuclear Security Administrator Jill Hruby and the DOE head of the Office of Environment Management, Candice Robertson, will host this year’s town hall.  You are invited to attend either in-person or virtually. The virtual links will be available closer to the event.  It is essential that the federal agencies hear your concerns!

Our top concerns are the intricately linked expansion of nuclear weapons production at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and the increase in plutonium-contaminated waste for disposal Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).  Both are DOE sites in New Mexico.  As more information is revealed about the very expensive expansion plans at both sites, it is clear that DOE’s proposed doubling of the size of the WIPP underground disposal site is needed to support the proposed expansion of nuclear weapons production at LANL – all to fuel a new nuclear arms race.

In the 1970s through the 1990s, DOE promised the People of New Mexico that if WIPP were opened, it would be able to cleanup and dispose of all the plutonium-contaminated waste at its sites across the country in 25 years, and then close in March 2024.  But that did not happen because DOE now needs WIPP to stay open until at least 2083 for disposal of waste produced at LANL.  WIPP was not designed to operate for at least 59 more years.

None of DOE’s plans present a responsible alternative.  For example, they say that over the next 50 years, nuclear weapons production will generate an estimated 57,550 cubic meters of radioactive and hazardous waste.  This volume constitutes more than half of the estimated expansion capacity at WIPP and does not account for LANL’s buried plutonium-contaminated waste from the last nuclear arms race.  DOE plans to keep that waste buried in unlined pits, trenches and shafts in volcanic tuff, even though radioactive and hazardous contaminants have been detected in the regional drinking water aquifer 1,000 feet below ground surface.


What we know about the Monday, July 22nd town hall: 

*  It will be held at Buffalo Thunder from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.  

*  Each commenter will have three minutes to make comments.  For the 90-minute town hall, fewer than 30 people will have the opportunity to speak. 

*  CCNS is checking whether there will be a link to submit written comments for those who will not have any opportunity to speak. 

*  Details to attend virtually will be provided in upcoming print notices in local publications and via email. 

* Any additional questions regarding the town hall can be submitted in advance to:



Some possible questions for Hruby and Robertson: 

    • How much water will be needed for expanded pit production?
    • Why is DOE/NNSA/LANL/EM resisting removing buried waste from the LANL disposal pits, trenches and shafts?
    • What emissions will be released into the air from LANL operations, along the transportation routes, and at WIPP from expanded operations?
    • What climate change analyses have been done for these extricably linked operations in New Mexico?
    • What efforts are being made to find other disposal sites in states other than New Mexico?
    • Why are DOE, NNSA, LANL and Env’l Management disregarding the commitments made to New Mexicans for a 2024 closure of WIPP?


Please bring your questions to the virtual and in-person town hall.  There are many on-line resources to help you develop your comments at ; ; and

  1. Friday, July 12th at noon – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Thursday, July 11th in Taos, Friday, July 12th in Santa Fe, and Saturday, July 13th in Albuquerque (see details below) – Justin Nobel speaks about his new book Petroleum 238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret about how a powerful industry spreads harm across the land and sickens the American people, especially their very own workers.  

 Why this is important to folks opposing nuclear weapons and power: 

“With fossil fuels, essentially what you are doing is taking an underground radioactive reservoir and bringing it up to the surface where it can interact with people and the environment.”

“Almost all materials of interest and use to the petroleum industry contain measurable quantities of radionuclides that reside finally in process equipment, product streams, or waste.”


Thursday July 11 from 5 to 6:30 pm in TAOS at at Somos, 108 Civic Plaza Drive.  Hosted by New Energy Economy and other groups.

Friday July 12 at 6 pm: Book event at Collected Works Bookstore, 202 Galisteo, Santa Fe, NM, hosted by New Energy Economy, Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians, NM No False Solutions.  Register for Zoom Event Here

Saturday July 13 at 4 pm: Book event at Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice, 202 Harvard Drive SE, hosted by New Energy Economy, Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians, NM No False Solutions.  RSVP Here



  1. Saturday, July 13th – 45th Annual Uranium Spill Commemoration see last week’s Update at



  1. Sunday, July 14th – Archbishop Wester Hosts Commemoration of Trinity Test – see last week’s Update at



  1. Monday, July 15th at noon Mountain Time – zoom Congressional Briefing Notice – Radioactive Contamination of US Food and Water, sponsored by the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network and others. Registration and additional information:

You are invited to attend a groundbreaking webinar with Congress and leading experts about an under-recognized but growing problem we need to confront.



  1. Thursday, July 18th 5 to 7 pm – KAFB Bulk Fuels Facility Project – KAFB Groundwater Treatment System facility open house and site tours of the facility.   For additional information on this event, please contact 377th Air Base Wing/Public Affairs at (505) 846-5991 or by email –

Also, community members may review Air Force Environmental Restoration Program documents by visiting the Kirtland AFB website at or the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center Administrative Record website at


July 13th – 45th Annual Uranium Spill Commemoration and July 14th – Archbishop Wester Hosts Commemoration of Trinity Test

On July 16th in New Mexico, people commemorate two devastating events:  the first atomic bomb test at the Trinity Site in 1945 in south central New Mexico, and the world’s largest uranium spill in 1979 when an earthen dam broke at the United Nuclear Corporation’s uranium mill tailing pond, releasing 1,100 tons of radioactive waste and 94 million gallons of radioactive water into the Rio Puerco, which flowed to Sanders, Arizona.  Both events left sick and dying people, environmental destruction and still unresolved concerns today.

On Saturday, July 13th, the Red Water Pond Road Community and the Pipeline Road Community host the 45th Annual Uranium Spill Commemoration 12 miles north of the Red Rock State Park on Highway 566 from Churchrock, New Mexico.  The event begins at 6 am with an opening prayer and breakfast.  At 7 am, registration begins and continues throughout the day.  A walk to the site of the uranium spill begins at 7:30 am and returns to the arbor.  At 10 am, speakers and discussion under the arbor begins. At 1 pm lunch is served and at 2 pm a closing prayer is said.  All day long, a silent auction, a kid’s corner, and educational booths will be active.  To the first 150 people in attendance, a free t-shirt will be offered.  Please bring your chairs, tents or umbrellas.

The Community invites you to take action and walk with them.  For more information and to RSVP, email

On Sunday, July 14th, the Archbishop of Santa Fe John Wester and interfaith leaders commemorate the 79th year since the Trinity test at the St. John XXIII Catholic Community at 4831 Tramway Ridge Drive Northeast in Albuquerque.  The program includes an interfaith prayer service for peace led by Archbishop Wester.  Speakers include local and special national guests on topics ranging from the impacts of nuclear testing, youth engagement in concern for the environment, and the role of hope and faith as we face growing nuclear threats.

All are welcome to attend.  The event is free and live-streamed.  Doors open at 2 pm Mountain Time.  Registration for both in-person and live stream is encouraged at


  1. Friday, July 5th at noon – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Veterans for Peace and the VFP Nuclear Abolition Working Group – the June 20th webinar Nuclear Power and Weapons in a Time of Rising Tension was recorded and accessible here:  400 registered; but the zoom admitted 100.  Guest speakers:  William Hartung, Arms Industry Expert; Linda Pentz-Gunter, Beyond Nuclear; and Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group.



  1. Tuesday, July 9th at 6 pm Mountain Time – Debunking Deterrence Theory and Pursuing Global Nuclear Disarmament webinar hosted by Peace Action Education Fund. Guest speakers: Tadatoshi (Tad) Akiba, former Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan; Professor Elaine Scarry, Harvard University, author of Thermonuclear Monarchy: Choosing between Democracy and Doom; Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation, United for Peace and Justice, Mayors for Peace; Emma Claire Foley, Defuse Nuclear War and Roots Action.  Moderators:  Kevin Martin, Peace Action Education Fund, and Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security.

From the email invitation:  For too long, deterrence theory has been used as the legitimizing foundation for US and global nuclear weapons policy. Deterrence is rarely examined, let alone questioned, but it is often waved around like some verbal magic wand to justify extremely dangerous and exorbitant policies that threaten life on Earth. Our speakers will examine the very frightening flaws of deterrence theory that have too often brought humanity to the brink of extinction, and offer practical strategies and tactics to replace it, and to advance the cause of global nuclear disarmament.

Register here:



  1. Thursday, July 11th in Taos, Friday, July 12th in Santa Fe, and Saturday, July 13th in Albuquerque (see below for details) – Justin Nobel speaks about his new book Petroleum 238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret about how a powerful industry spreads harm across the land and sickens the American people, especially their very own workers.

Why this is important to folks opposing nuclear weapons and power: 

“With fossil fuels, essentially what you are doing is taking an underground radioactive reservoir and bringing it up to the surface where it can interact with people and the environment.”

“Almost all materials of interest and use to the petroleum industry contain measurable quantities of radionuclides that reside finally in process equipment, product streams, or waste.”


Thursday July 11 from 5 to 6:30 pm: Book event at Society of the Muse of the Southwest (SOMOS) in Taos, NM. Hosted by New Energy Economy and other groups.

Friday July 12 at 6 pm: Book event at Collected Works Bookstore in Santa Fe, NM, hosted by New Energy Economy, Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians, NM No False Solutions.

Saturday July 13 at 6 pm: Book event at Center for Peace & Justice in Albuquerque, NM, hosted by New Energy Economy, Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians, NM No False Solutions.



  1. Thursday, July 18th 5 to 7 pm – KAFB Bulk Fuels Facility Project – KAFB Groundwater Treatment System facility open house and site tours of the facility.   For additional information on this event, please contact 377th Air Base Wing/Public Affairs at (505) 846-5991 or by email –

Also, community members may review Air Force Environmental Restoration Program documents by visiting the Kirtland AFB website at or the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center Administrative Record website at



  1. Save the Date! Monday, July 22nd  – DOE HQ event with Candice Robertson, Environmental Management (EM-1), and Jill Hruby, NNSA Administrator, similar to April 4th, 2023 event at Santa Fe Community Convention Center.  We’ll post information as we receive it.



  1. Monday, August 5th through Friday, August 9th NM Water Quality Control Commission public hearing about reuse of fracking “produced water” waste continues.

Uranium and the Grand Canyon – A Call to Close and Cleanup the Pinyon Plains Uranium Mine

One of the most beautiful and majestic sights is found by looking across and down into the Grand Canyon at the spread of the red walls, the patches of green and the glorious Colorado River.  All of this is threatened by an exemption from a federal law banning uranium mining in the watershed that feeds the complex river system.  Uranium mining is allowed on U.S. Forest Service lands where the Pinyon Plains Uranium Mine is located less than ten miles from the Grand Canyon’s south rim.  

In December 2023, the Pinyon Plains Uranium Mine, formerly called the Canyon Mine, began mining operations.  The owner of the mine, Energy Fuels Inc., plans to begin transporting extracted uranium 300 miles across the Navajo Nation to the corporation’s White Mesa Uranium Mill in southeast Utah. and

Tribes and others in this large area know little about the corporation’s plans for transporting the dangerous materials.  The federal and state agencies have done little, or none, of the required consultation with the tribes and communities about the transportation plans.  The corporation has brought the threat of harm while ignoring its responsibilities to consult with those who want to keep their families safe.  See links to the Uranium and the Grand Canyon panel conversation below.

The Navajo Nation passed a law against the transport of uranium across its lands.  It is unknown what the Nation will do when the first load leaves the mine.   It is irresponsible to mine, let alone transport uranium ore through the Grand Canyon Watershed when we have already experienced the harm done to all living beings by decades of uranium mining.

A recent mapping project by Stanford University shows about 23,000 abandoned uranium mines across the country.  One must question beginning a new round of uranium mining when closure and cleanup of previous mining efforts have not been done.  As a result, water continues to be contaminated.

New groundwater scientific studies reveal what Peoples living in and around the Grand Canyon know:  that the high interconnectivity of the groundwater systems makes uranium mining not only risky, but extremely risky. and

To learn more, watch the June 27, 2024 Uranium and the Grand Canyon  panel conversation with a tribal leader, a health professional, an activist, and a former uranium miner.

Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren provided an opening message.

Gabriel Pietrorazio, of KJZZ News, hosted the event.  He is a national award-winning tribal natural resources reporter.  Pietrorazio’s most recent article about these issues:

Take action by going to the Grand Canyon Trust website to sign the petition to close and clean up the Canyon Mine, which was recently renamed the Pinyon Plains Uranium Mine.

  1. Friday, June 28th at noon – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, New Mexico Peace Fest, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Monday, July 1, 2024 from 10 am to 11:30 am Mountain Time – Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction webinar, Understanding the New Nuclear Arms Race: Views from Washington, Moscow and Beijing.  The webinar delves into the multifaceted dimensions of the contemporary nuclear arms race, offering in-depth analyses from three of the world’s nuclear powers, their motivations, defense policies and diplomatic postures providing the audience with a comprehensive understanding of each nation’s policies and perspective.  Speakers include:  Sharon Weiner, Associate Professor, American University; Dr. Timur Kadyshev, Senior Researcher, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy; Dr. Tong Zhao, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; and Dr. Zia Mian (moderator), Princeton Program on Science and Global Security.




  1. Saturday, July 13th from 7 am to 4 pm Red Water Pond Road Community – Church Rock Uranium Spill Commemoration – 12 miles north of Red Rock State Park on Highway 566 from Church Rock, NM. Bring your own chairs and tents/umbrellas.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided.  All day:  silent auction, kid’s corner, and educational booths.  Free t-shirt for first 150 people at event.  24 Commemoration flier



  1. Sunday, July 14th at 2 pm –Interfaith Vigil Marking the Anniversary of the Trinity Nuclear Detonation – Impacted Communities and Religious Leaders Call for Nuclear Abolition at St. John XXIII Catholic Church, 4831 Tramway Ridge Drive NE, Albuquerque. It is a free event featuring music, speakers, exhibitions and moments of reflection and prayer.  Pre-registration is encouraged at  The event will be livestreamed.  For more information, call the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Office of Social Justice at 505 831-8205.



  1. Thursday, July 18th 5 to 7 pm – KAFB Bulk Fuels Facility Project – KAFB Groundwater Treatment System facility open house and site tours of the facility.   For additional information on this event, please contact 377th Air Base Wing/Public Affairs at (505) 846-5991 or by email –

Also, community members may review Air Force Environmental Restoration Program documents by visiting the Kirtland AFB website at or the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center Administrative Record website at



  1. Save the Date! Monday, July 22nd  – DOE HQ event with Candice Robertson, Environmental Management (EM-1), and Jill Hruby, NNSA Administrator, similar to April 4th, 2023 event at Santa Fe Community Convention Center.  We’ll post information as we receive it.



  1. Monday, August 5th through Friday, August 9thNM Water Quality Control Commission public hearing about reuse of fracking “produced water” waste continues.



There Are 91.4 Billion Things Other Than Nuclear Weapons that Money Could Buy

Nuclear weapons programs divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital humanitarian services.  The nuclear-armed countries spent over $91.4 billion on their arsenals in 2023.  At the same time, the corporations fabricating these weapons of mass destruction and their investors made billions in profit annually.

On Monday, June 17th, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) released its fifth annual report on global nuclear weapons spending.  The report, entitled “Surge:  2023 Global nuclear weapons spending,” shows that $10.7 billion more was spent on nuclear weapons in 2023 than in 2022.  The report covers how the nuclear weapons industry buys influence by financing think tanks, hiring lobbyists, and holding high-level meetings with government officials.

An international campaign with one clear message:  “No Money for Nuclear Weapons” will launch on Monday, September 16th through Sunday, September 22nd.  Please plan to join in the activities or create your own local event.  Visit the ICAN website week of action page and be sure to sign up to receive updates.

As mentioned above, in 2023, the nine nuclear-armed states spent a combined total of $91.4 billion on their arsenals, which is equivalent to $174,000 per minute.  The nine nuclear-armed states are:  China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The U.S share of total spending, at $51.5 billion, is more than all the other nuclear-armed countries put together.  The next biggest spender in 2023 was China at $11.8 billion, followed by Russia at $8.3 billion.  The United Kingdom’s spending was up significantly for the second year in a row with a 17 percent increase to $8.1 billion.  In the last five years, $387 billion has been spent on nuclear weapons globally.

In the last five years, the budget for nuclear weapons fabrication at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has nearly doubled from over $2.2 billion in fiscal year 2020 to $4 billion in fiscal year 2024 – an increase of over $1.7 billion.  At the same time, New Mexico ranks 50th in child well-being and 50th in education.

Alicia Sanders-Zakre, a report co-author, noted: “The acceleration of spending on these inhumane and destructive weapons over the past five years is not improving global security but posing a global threat.”

  1. Friday, June 21st at noon – Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, Pax Christi and others.



  1. Monday, May 20th PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD EXTENDED TO THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 2024to EPA about its proposed rule allowing open burning / open detonation of hazardous wastes.  Use Earthjustice’s Action Alert to Ban the Practice of Open Burning and Open Detonation of Hazardous Wastes at:

 See the May 2nd Update for more information:



  1. Saturday and Sunday, June 22 – 23 – Third Annual Virtual 24-Hour Long PEACE WAVE. At a time when RIMPAC war rehearsals will be going on in the Pacific and just prior to protests of NATO’s meeting in Washington, DC in July, the International Peace Bureau and World BEYOND WAR will produce the 24-hour long PEACE WAVE.  It will include live video from activities around the globe – and recently recorded video with the participants on zoom for Q&A during the last ten minutes of each hour.  You will be able to view rallies, concerts, production of artworks, blood drives, installation of peace poles, dances, speeches, banner drops, and public demonstrations of all varieties.



  1. Monday, July 1, 2024 from 10 am to 11:30 am Mountain Time – Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction webinar, Understanding the New Nuclear Arms Race: Views from Washington, Moscow and Beijing.  The webinar delves into the multifaceted dimensions of the contemporary nuclear arms race, offering in-depth analyses from three of the world’s nuclear powers, their motivations, defense policies and diplomatic postures providing the audience with a comprehensive understanding of each nation’s policies and perspective.  Speakers include:  Sharon Weiner, Associate Professor, American University; Dr. Timur Kadyshev, Senior Researcher, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy; Dr. Tong Zhao, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; and Dr. Zia Mian (moderator), Princeton Program on Science and Global Security.




  1. Saturday, July 13th from 7 am to 4 pm Red Water Pond Road Community – Church Rock Uranium Spill Commemoration – 12 miles north of Red Rock State Park on Highway 566 from Church Rock, NM. Bring your own chairs and tents/umbrellas.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided.  All day:  silent auction, kid’s corner, and educational booths.  Free t-shirt for first 150 people at event.  24 Commemoration flier 



  1. Sunday, July 14th at 2 pm –Interfaith Vigil Marking the Anniversary of the Trinity Nuclear Detonation – Impacted Communities and Religious Leaders Call for Nuclear Abolition at St. John XXIII Catholic Church, 4831 Tramway Ridge Drive NE, Albuquerque. It is a free event featuring music, speakers, exhibitions and moments of reflection and prayer.  Pre-registration is encouraged at  The event will be livestreamed.  For more information, call the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Office of Social Justice at 505 831-8205.



  1. Monday, August 5th through Friday, August 9thNM Water Quality Control Commission public hearing about reuse of fracking “produced water” waste continues.

Daniel Ellsberg Week June 10th through the 16th – A week of education and action to honor peacemaking and whistleblowing

Daniel Ellsberg was a nuclear war planner – his plans are still in use today in the United States.  He has provided a stark warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and above all the intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs and his work is being acknowledged this week.  Join in virtual and live activities.

In 1971, Ellsberg became a whistleblower by giving the 7,000-page Pentagon Papers to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the New York Times, the Washington Post and 17 other newspapers.  Ellsberg’s subsequent trial on twelve felony counts, posing a possible sentence of 115 years, was dismissed in 1973 on grounds of governmental misconduct against him, leading to the convictions of several White House aides and figuring in the impeachment proceedings against President Richard M. Nixon.

Ellsberg was a lecturer, scholar, writer and activist on the dangers of the nuclear era, wrongful U.S. interventions and the urgent need for principled whistleblowing until his death on June 16, 2023.  Today, many people around the world are carrying on his legacy as a voice of reason in a nuclear weapons-armed world by working to end the threat of nuclear weapons and redirecting those funds to human needs. 

All this week, live and virtual events are taking place, including webinars about the danger and cost of ICBMs; actions to divest Philadelphia from nuclear weapons; celebrations of Ellsberg’s legacy with Veterans for Peace in Seattle; and of his work to stop the doomsday machine.  Monthly live events are scheduled to protest the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

Ellsberg worked to educate that ICBMs are the single greatest nuclear weapons threat in our world today. The U.S. is in the process of replacing its ICBMs.  The program is already nearly 40 percent over budget.

He said, “When I say that there is a step that could reduce the risk of nuclear war significantly that has not been taken but could easily be taken, that is the elimination of American ICBMs.”

Join with RootsAction Education Fund and The Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy to get the word out about Ellsberg’s work and the threat of ICBMs.

More information and social media posts you can use are available on the Defuse Nuclear War website. There you will find six podcasts with Ellsberg, directed by Oscar-nominee Judith Ehrlich.  The series explores the dangers of nuclear weapons and the politics that drive their existence by a former nuclear war planner.

  1. Friday, June 14th at noon –Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, Pax Christi and others.


  1. Wednesday, June 19th at 6 pm – Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice – A talk by Koohan Paik-Mander about The inherent fascism of algorithms … & the militarization of society.  



  1. Monday, May 20th PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD EXTENDED TO THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 2024 – to EPA about its proposed rule allowing open burning / open detonation of hazardous wastes.  Use Earthjustice’s Action Alert to Ban the Practice of Open Burning and Open Detonation of Hazardous Wastes at:

 See the May 2nd Update for more information:



  1. Saturday and Sunday, June 22 – 23 – Third Annual Virtual 24-Hour Long PEACE WAVE. At a time when RIMPAC war rehearsals will be going on in the Pacific and just prior to protests of NATO’s meeting in Washington, DC in July, the International Peace Bureau and World BEYOND WAR will produce the 24-hour long PEACE WAVE.  It will include live video from activities around the globe – and recently recorded video with the participants on zoom for Q&A during the last ten minutes of each hour.  You will be able to view rallies, concerts, production of artworks, blood drives, installation of peace poles, dances, speeches, banner drops, and public demonstrations of all varieties.



  1. Monday, July 1st – Friday, July 5th (no hearing on Th. July 4th) RESCHEDULED TO AUGUST 5th – 9th– NM Water Quality Control Commission public hearing about reuse of fracking waste continues.



  1. June 17th to 24th MOVED TO SEPTEMBER 16th to 22nd Global Week of Action – No Money for Nuclear Weapons, by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Join the efforts to push back against the unacceptable squandering of vast sums of money on weapons of mass destruction ($82.9 billion in 2022).