There Are 91.4 Billion Things Other Than Nuclear Weapons that Money Could Buy
Nuclear weapons programs divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital humanitarian services. The nuclear-armed countries spent over $91.4 billion on their arsenals in 2023. At the same time, the corporations fabricating these weapons of mass destruction and their investors made billions in profit annually.
On Monday, June 17th, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) released its fifth annual report on global nuclear weapons spending. The report, entitled “Surge: 2023 Global nuclear weapons spending,” shows that $10.7 billion more was spent on nuclear weapons in 2023 than in 2022. The report covers how the nuclear weapons industry buys influence by financing think tanks, hiring lobbyists, and holding high-level meetings with government officials.
An international campaign with one clear message: “No Money for Nuclear Weapons” will launch on Monday, September 16th through Sunday, September 22nd. Please plan to join in the activities or create your own local event. Visit the ICAN website week of action page and be sure to sign up to receive updates.
As mentioned above, in 2023, the nine nuclear-armed states spent a combined total of $91.4 billion on their arsenals, which is equivalent to $174,000 per minute. The nine nuclear-armed states are: China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The U.S share of total spending, at $51.5 billion, is more than all the other nuclear-armed countries put together. The next biggest spender in 2023 was China at $11.8 billion, followed by Russia at $8.3 billion. The United Kingdom’s spending was up significantly for the second year in a row with a 17 percent increase to $8.1 billion. In the last five years, $387 billion has been spent on nuclear weapons globally.
In the last five years, the budget for nuclear weapons fabrication at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has nearly doubled from over $2.2 billion in fiscal year 2020 to $4 billion in fiscal year 2024 – an increase of over $1.7 billion. At the same time, New Mexico ranks 50th in child well-being and 50th in education.
Alicia Sanders-Zakre, a report co-author, noted: “The acceleration of spending on these inhumane and destructive weapons over the past five years is not improving global security but posing a global threat.”
- Friday, June 21st at noon –
Join the weekly peaceful protest for nuclear disarmament on the four corners of Alameda and Sandoval in downtown Santa Fe with Veterans for Peace, CCNS, Nuclear Watch NM, Loretto Community, Pax Christi and others.
to EPA about its proposed rule allowing open burning / open detonation of hazardous wastes. Use Earthjustice’s Action Alert to Ban the Practice of Open Burning and Open Detonation of Hazardous Wastes at:
See the May 2nd Update for more information:
- Saturday and Sunday, June 22 – 23 –
Third Annual Virtual 24-Hour Long PEACE WAVE. At a time when RIMPAC war rehearsals will be going on in the Pacific and just prior to protests of NATO’s meeting in Washington, DC in July, the International Peace Bureau and World BEYOND WAR will produce the 24-hour long PEACE WAVE. It will include live video from activities around the globe – and recently recorded video with the participants on zoom for Q&A during the last ten minutes of each hour. You will be able to view rallies, concerts, production of artworks, blood drives, installation of peace poles, dances, speeches, banner drops, and public demonstrations of all varieties.
- Monday, July 1, 2024 from 10 am to 11:30 am Mountain Time –
Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction webinar, Understanding the New Nuclear Arms Race: Views from Washington, Moscow and Beijing. The webinar delves into the multifaceted dimensions of the contemporary nuclear arms race, offering in-depth analyses from three of the world’s nuclear powers, their motivations, defense policies and diplomatic postures providing the audience with a comprehensive understanding of each nation’s policies and perspective. Speakers include: Sharon Weiner, Associate Professor, American University; Dr. Timur Kadyshev, Senior Researcher, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy; Dr. Tong Zhao, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; and Dr. Zia Mian (moderator), Princeton Program on Science and Global Security.
- Saturday, July 13th from 7 am to 4 pm Red Water Pond Road Community –
Church Rock Uranium Spill Commemoration – 12 miles north of Red Rock State Park on Highway 566 from Church Rock, NM. Bring your own chairs and tents/umbrellas. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All day: silent auction, kid’s corner, and educational booths. Free t-shirt for first 150 people at event. 24 Commemoration flier
- Sunday, July 14th at 2 pm –
Interfaith Vigil Marking the Anniversary of the Trinity Nuclear Detonation – Impacted Communities and Religious Leaders Call for Nuclear Abolition at St. John XXIII Catholic Church, 4831 Tramway Ridge Drive NE, Albuquerque. It is a free event featuring music, speakers, exhibitions and moments of reflection and prayer. Pre-registration is encouraged at The event will be livestreamed. For more information, call the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Office of Social Justice at 505 831-8205.
- Monday, August 5th through Friday, August 9th –
NM Water Quality Control Commission public hearing about reuse of fracking “produced water” waste continues.
Tags: Alicia Sanders-Zakre, disaster relief, education, health care, ICAN, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, LANL, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico – 50th in child well-being and 50th in education, nuclear weapons, vital humanitarian services, weapons of mass destruction, “No Money for Nuclear Weapons, “Surge: 2023 Global nuclear weapons spending, ” $91.4 billion, ” nine nuclear armed states
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