Posts Tagged ‘WIPP’

Safety Concerns Continue for New LANL TRU Waste Facility

Chairman Tries to Abolish the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

Impending Roof Collapse at WIPP Endangers Workers

New Mexico and Texas Targeted for Consolidated Storage of All the Plutonium Fuel from Nuclear Power Plants

Public Comment about Proposed Expansion of Storage Capacity at WIPP due Friday, February 3rd

Rapid Seven-Fold “Never Been Observed at WIPP” Increases in Salt Convergence in Panel 7 Where Waste Is Planned for Disposal

WIPP Requests Temporary Authorization to Install Bulkheads and Proposed Above Ground Storage Public Comment Extended to February 3rd

SRIC and NRDC Address NEPA Requirements for Reopening WIPP

In Rush to Reopen WIPP, DOE Ignores the Safer “Clean Salt” Option

DOE Proposes WIPP Surface Storage Despite Four or More Roof Falls