Weekly News Updates

NRC Extends Public Comment Period for High-Level Irradiated Waste Storage at WCS to April 28th

New Mexico and Texas Targeted for Consolidated Storage of All the Plutonium Fuel from Nuclear Power Plants

Over 120 Nations Negotiating Historic International Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons

Two April 1st Peaceful Demonstrations at White Sands Missile Range Entrances to Support Trinity Downwinders

DOE Proposes a 53 Percent Increase in Waste Storage at LANL’s Plutonium Facility

Comments Due Monday, March 13th to NRC about Storage of High-Level Waste at WCS

New Mexico Targeted for Deep Borehole Irradiated Fuel Disposal Facility – Upcoming Public Meetings

Storage of High-Level Waste at WCS? Comments Due Monday, March 13th to NRC

Uranium Workers’ Day at New Mexico State Capitol on February 27th

Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium Releases Its Trinity Test Health Impact Assessment at February 15th Albuquerque Public Meeting