Weekly News Updates

Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium Releases Its Health Impact Assessment Report about the 1945 Trinity Test at Three Public Meetings

EPA Reaches Informal Resolution of 14-Year-Old Civil Rights Complaint Against NMED

Public Comment about Proposed Expansion of Storage Capacity at WIPP due Friday, February 3rd

Robert H. Gilkeson, Scientist, Whistleblower and Community Hero, Memorial Celebration on Sunday, January 15th

Memorial Celebration of Robert H. Gilkeson’s Life – A Community Hero

Cease Fire Campaign Victory for Alternatives to Open Burning of Munitions and Hazardous Waste

CCNS End Of Year Appeal – Help Us Let There Be Peace On Earth

Rapid Seven-Fold “Never Been Observed at WIPP” Increases in Salt Convergence in Panel 7 Where Waste Is Planned for Disposal

DOE Denies Expedited FOIA Request by Citizen Action NM and CCNS for Critical WIPP Documents – Citizen Action NM and CCNS Appeal Denial

Urge President Obama to Declare a “No-First-Use Policy” and Remove U.S. Nuclear Missiles from “Hair Trigger Alert”