Jay Coghlan

Posts Tagged ‘Jay Coghlan’

Tools You Can Use to Prepare for draft LANL SWEIS Public Hearings

January 22, 2021: A Day for the History Books

A Second Virtual Meeting on LANL’s Proposed Tritium Venting is Planned

Virtual Commemoration Events of 1945 Atomic Bombings

Upcoming Commemoration Events of 1945 Atomic Bombings

Court Vacates Uranium Processing Facility Key Decisions

Speeding Up LANL Plutonium Pit Production Is Very High Risk

Preferred Plan for Expanded Plutonium Pit Production at LANL

$1.2 Trillion 30-Year Plan for Nuclear Arsenal Maintenance and Modernization

CCNS Heads to Washington to Press Congress, Trump Administration for Cleanup, Dismantlement, and “Accountability Audit” of DOE and its Contractors