Feb. 21 Safety Board Public Hrg Livestreamed from ABQ
The Department of Energy Order 140.1 will be the topic for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board public hearing during the evening of Thursday, February 21st, in Albuquerque. The Department of Energy (DOE) order restricts the Board’s access to personnel, facilities, and documents for some of the most dangerous nuclear weapons facilities located across the country. http://nuclearactive.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/DOE-O-140.1-Interface-with-the-Defense-Nuclear-Facilities-Safety-Board.pdf
The restrictions are contrary to congressional legislation that established the Safety Board in 1988. The Board’s statutory mission is to “provide independent analysis, advice, and recommendations to the Secretary of Energy … in providing adequate protection of public health and safety at defense nuclear facilities.”
The hearing will be held in Albuquerque from 5:30 pm to 9 pm Mountain Time, at the Albuquerque Convention Center, 401 Second Street, Northwest. It will be live streamed from the Board’s website at dnfsb.gov. A link will be posted there on the day of the hearing. https://www.dnfsb.gov/public-hearings-meetings/february-21-public-hearing
Witnesses include four managers from the three DOE sites in New Mexico, which are Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). The scheduled witnesses are: Todd Shrader, the WIPP manager; Jeffery Harrell, the Sandia Field Office manager; Doug Hintze, the Los Alamos clean-up manager; and William (Steve) Goodrum, the Los Alamos nuclear weapons program manager. The Board’s Technical Director, Chris Roscetti, will also testify. https://www.dnfsb.gov/sites/default/files/meeting/Albuquerque%20Hearing%20Agenda_1.pdf
The Board invites you to attend the hearing and participate in the public comment portion from 7:15 to 8:50 p.m. If you would like to speak, please pre-register by emailing your request by February 19th to hearing@dnfsb.gov.
This hearing is the third about the DOE Order. To view the previous hearings on August 28, 2018 and November 28, 2018, visit dnfsb.gov/public-hearings-meetings.
To learn more, please check out previous Updates, with links to important documents, at https://nuclearactive.org/chairman-tries-to-abolish-the-defense-nuclear-facilities-safety-board/ ; http://nuclearactive.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-100-028-NA-1-Welcome-Letter-ARCHIVE.pdf ; https://nuclearactive.org/dnfsb-public-hearing-about-doe-interface-on-august-28th/ ; http://nuclearactive.org/santa-fe-county-commissioners-call-for-suspension-of-doe-order-140-1/ ; https://nuclearactive.org/ana-opposes-new-doe-order/ ; http://nuclearactive.org/doe-must-hold-hearings-in-new-mexico-about-order-140-1/ ; http://nuclearactive.org/safety-board-holds-nov-28-live-streamed-public-hearing/ ; and http://nuclearactive.org/public-comments-at-safety-board-hearing-say-it-all/ Also see September 27, 2018 comments submitted to the Board by Nuclear Watch New Mexico at https://nukewatch.org/newsite/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/DNFSB-NWNM-comments-on-DOE-Order-140.1.pdf
The order, entitled, “Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board,” was issued last May, without public notice and opportunity to comment.
One issue of particular concern is the Board’s oversight of both worker and public health and safety. The new Order eviscerates the Board’s oversight to only public health and safety outside a facility’s boundary.
Santa Fe County Commissioner Anna Hansen, and former CCNS Board Chair, encouraged the public’s participation at this important nuclear safety hearing. Hansen said, “The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board is an important board that works to keep workers, the public, and the environment safe from Los Alamos and their completely unstable safety record. The Trump administration is trying to reduce the Board’s oversight with Order 140.1. Don’t let them take away the Board’s critical oversight. We need the Board to be stronger, not weaker. Please make the time to attend and participate in this important hearing. Everybody counts!” https://www.santafecountynm.gov/county_commissioners/anna_hansen
Did you know about these upcoming events?
1. Friday, February 15 – The Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment will host “Uranium Workers’ Day” at the NM Legislature. The press conference will begin at 11 am in the Rotunda. https://swuraniumimpacts.org/uranium-workers-day-feb-15th/
2. Sunday, March 17th, 2019 Benefit Fundraiser for the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM, from 1 to 5 pm. Music, dancing, food, silent auction, door prizes. Tickets will be available soon! Stay tuned! https://www.trinitydownwinders.com/
3. Saturday, April 6th, the Trinity Site, on the White Sands Missile Range, is open to the public from 8 am to 2 pm. The Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium will hold two peaceful demonstrations – one at the Tularosa Gate; the other at the Stallion Gate, near San Antonio. Stay tuned for more details. https://www.trinitydownwinders.com/
Tags: Chris Roscetti, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, Department of Energy, DNFSB, DOE, DOE Order 140.1, Doug Hintze, Jeffery Harrell, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Santa Fe County Commissioner Anna Hansen, Todd Shrader, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, William (Steve) Goodrum, WIPP
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