Weekly News Updates

CCNS is very concerned with increasing tensions between the U.S. and North Korea

CARD and AFES Cite NMED Discriminatory Public Process for WCS Ground Water Permit

CCNS Decries Lack of Water Protection in NMED and LANL Agreement

Annual Sackcloth and Ashes Hiroshima Day Peace Vigil at Los Alamos, NM – Saturday, August 5, 2017 2:00 pm

Congressman Ben Ray Luján is a RECA Champion for All New Mexicans

UN Adopts Treaty for a World Without Nuclear Weapons

Friday, July 7th Deadline for Comments to DNFSB about LANL Plutonium Operations

Saturday, July 15th Commemorations of 1945 Trinity Atomic Bomb Test and 1979 Church Rock Uranium Tailings Spill

Judge Rules Against WCS Merger with EnergySolutions

Ban Treaty Must Strengthen Victim Assistance and Environmental Remediation Provisions