Current Activities

CCNS Appeals EPA Denial to Terminate LANL Outfall from Clean Water Act Permit

Outfall No. 051 at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a discharge pipe connected to a key facility, the Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility.  The Clean Water Act only regulates facilities that actually discharge pollutants.  After November 2010, the Facility became a zero-liquid-discharge system, meaning the discharge pipe would no longer be used.  Since then LANL has been using a Mechanical Evaporator System to evaporate treated water into the air, and nothing has been discharged through the Outfall.   Nevertheless, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) still includes Outfall 051 in the permit that it issues to LANL.

This has a serious impact.  The Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility manages a lot of hazardous waste, and the New Mexico Hazardous Waste Act would normally regulate it with prescribed public review and comment.  But, under an EPA rule, called the Wastewater Treatment Unit exemption, if LANL is regulated under a Clean Water Act permit, Outfall 051 and the Facility are exempt from the Hazardous Waste Act.

LANL has struggled to keep this exemption.  In a 1998 report about converting the Facility to a zero-liquid-discharge system, LANL acknowledged that if it stopped discharging through Outfall 051, it could lose the exemption, and the “[L]oss of this exemption would mean that the [Facility] would be required to meet additional [hazardous waste] regulatory guidelines regarding waste treatment practices.  … The [Facility] would need to manage the [pollutants] in the waste stream and so have much better knowledge of, and control over, waste discharged to it for treatment.”  It also acknowledged that citizen oversight would increase under the hazardous waste regulations.

Now, in 2017, the Facility has had a zero-liquid-discharge system for over six years.  Even so, EPA has issued a Clean Water Act permit for Outfall 051, thereby continuing its exemption from Hazardous Waste Act regulation.  EPA claims it did so because LANL said it might someday need to discharge pollutants.  But LANL has not used the Outfall for more than six years. 

In June 2016, CCNS, through its attorneys, Jon Block with the New Mexico Environmental Law Center, and Lindsay A. Lovejoy, requested EPA to terminate Outfall 051 from the permit.  In August 2017, EPA denied CCNS’s request.  In response, in September, CCNS appealed the denial to the EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board in Washington, DC.  The entire appeal can be viewed in the following encapsulation of PDFs here: CCNS FILING WITH EAB 20170914 Or you can view individual documents by clicking on the following links:

CCNSCoverletterClerkEAB20170914     CCNSPetition20170914     CCNSRequestPetitionExhibitList     Exhibit01     Exhibit02     Exhibit03     Exhibit04     Exhibit05     Exhibit06     Exhibit07     Exhibit08     Exhibit09     Exhibit10     Exhibit11     Exhibit12

Joni Arends, of CCNS, said, “LANL has been hiding behind the wastewater treatment unit exemption for over six years.  EPA should terminate Outfall 051 from the Clean Water Act permit so that the State of New Mexico can take on the regulation of this hazardous waste facility.”


Two Peaceful Trinity Test Demonstrations on Saturday, October 7th at White Sands Missile Range Entrances

Please join the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium for a peaceful demonstration to bring attention to the health issues resulting from overexposure to radiation following the Trinity atomic bomb test on July 16, 1946.  On Saturday, October 7th, the Consortium will gather at two of the entrances to the White Sands Missile Range when the U.S. Army opens the Trinity Site for people from around the world to visit the radioactively contaminated site.

Beginning at 7:45 am, the Consortium will gather at the Tularosa Gate, located on the Tulie Gate Road, west of the Tularosa High School, for a one-hour peaceful demonstration.

Beginning at 9 am, the Consortium will gather at the Stallion Range Station on Highway 380, 12 miles east of San Antonio, for a three-hour peaceful demonstration.  Please bring your own water, chair, hat, and a poster or sign.

On July 16, 1945, just before dawn, the U.S. government conducted the first test explosion of a plutonium bomb at the Trinity Site.  Without warning, the 40,000 people living in the immediate vicinity were engulfed in a radioactive cloud that continued to rain down radioactive particles for days, weeks and months.  The government packed their bags, turned their backs and walked away.  For 72 years it has taken no responsibility for the health repercussions to those exposed.

The Consortium will provide information about their Health Impact Assessment that documents the harm done to those living downwind of the Trinity Site and their efforts to ensure that the Trinity Downwinders are included in the proposed amendments to the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA).  In 1990, Congress passed RECA to provide medical care and compensation to those living downwind of the Nevada Test Site, another location used for testing nuclear weapons aboveground.  RECA was amended in 2000.  The Trinity Downwinders have never been included, even though over $2.2 billion has been paid in claims.,

The Consortium has documented the harm in its Health Impact Assessment, entitled, “Unknowing, Unwilling and Uncompensated:  The Effects of the Trinity Test on New Mexicans and the Potential Benefits of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) Amendment.”

Tina Cordova, a co-founder of the Consortium, said, “Seventy-two years have passed.  Now is the time for the U.S. Government to recognize those who were unknowing, unwilling, uncompensated, innocent participants in the world’s largest science experiment, who have been suffering in silence ever since the bomb was detonated.  Our organization is revealing the rest of the story and the People are being made aware of the complete legacy of Trinity.”

For more information, please contact Tina Cordova at 505-897-6787 or by email to  For information about the Tulie Gate gathering, please contact Kathy Tyler at 575-585-2896.  For information about the Stallion Range Gate gathering, please contact Louisa Lopez at 575-835-8146.  TBDC Trinity Site Protest Fall 2017


50 Nation States Sign Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

On Tuesday during his first speech at the United Nations, the U.S. President threatened the use of nuclear weapons.  In contrast, on Wednesday, September 20th, at the United Nations, heads of state and senior officials from 50 Nation States, representing billions of people from across the world, signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  The legally binding, multilateral Treaty prohibits the development, testing, production, acquisition, possession, stockpiling and the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons – all leading to a world without nuclear weapons.

On July 7, 2017, 122 Nation States, or nearly two-thirds of the 193 Nation States who are UN members, adopted the Treaty.

The Nation States that signed the Treaty on the first day are Algeria, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chile, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Ireland, Kiribati, Libya, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé and Principe, South Africa, Togo, Tuvalu, Uruguay, Vanuatu, and Venezuela.  It is important to note that Brazil and South Africa each possessed nuclear weapons, but gave them up. 

These Nation States, as well as others who are expected to sign the Treaty, will have to take a second step to ratify, accept, approve or accede to the Treaty and deposit their Nation’s papers with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

On Wednesday, three Nation States both signed the Treaty and submitted its ratification papers.  The three Nation States are Guyana, the Holy See at the Vatican, and Thailand.

Ninety days after 50 Nation States sign and ratify the Treaty, it will go into full force and effect.

Thousands of people worked to bring the Treaty to fruition, including activists from civil society, doctors, lawyers, scientists, diplomats, and parliamentarians.  The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons,, the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Weapons,, and Reaching Critical Will, a project of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom,, played essential roles to ensure the passage of the Treaty.  The Treaty is based on international human rights law and international humanitarian law.  It is modeled upon treaties that have banned chemical weapons, land mines, biological weapons, and cluster munitions.

Nine Nation States, possessing nearly 15,000 nuclear weapons, did not sign the Treaty.  They are, China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States.  Campaigns are underway to urge these countries to sign the Treaty.

Please note that Tuesday, September 26th, is International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (26 September), a good day to contact the U.S. President urging the U.S. to sign the Treaty.

From the United Nations website:  “Achieving global nuclear disarmament is one of the oldest goals of the United Nations. This Day provides an occasion for the world community to reaffirm its commitment to global nuclear disarmament as a high priority. It also provides an opportunity to educate the public—and its leaders—about the real benefits of eliminating such weapons, and the social and economic costs of perpetuating them.”


Gathering for Mother Earth Waters September 20th through 23rd Along Northern New Mexico Waterway

Daily on-site blessings of Northern New Mexico waters is the theme for the twenty-first Gathering for Mother Earth Waters, which will be held from Wednesday, September 20th through Saturday, September 23rd at sites in Abiquiu, Pilar, Nambe, and at the Pojoaque Pow Wow Grounds.  Tewa Women United and colleagues are organizing the events and invite you to join in the blessings.  Please bring a sack lunch, drinking water, a chair, shade, sunscreen, and follow the blue balloons to each site.

On Wednesday, September 20th, beginning at 10 am, participants will gather at the Northern Youth Project Garden in Abiquiu to Celebrate the Harvest.  During lunch, there will be a discussion of traditional foods, water, and life, followed by music, dance, storytelling, and poetry.  For more information, contact

From 6 pm to 8 pm, there will be a moon ceremony at Tewa Women United, at 912 Fairview Lane, in Española.

On Thursday, September 21st, beginning at 10 am, participants will gather at the Lone Juniper Campsite in Pilar for Peace Day.  There will be blessings of water and Avanyu, and a traditional seed exchange will be held.  During lunch, a talking circle about water health and healthy foods will be held.  For more information, contact

From 7:30 to 8:30 pm [CORRECTION:  From 5 to 7 pm], there will be a Journey with Water light show at the Española YMCA Teen Center at 808 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park.  For more information, please contact Autumn Gomez, of Tewa Women United, at 505 747-3259, extension 1202.

On Friday, September 22nd, a celebration of the Autumnal Equinox will take place at Nambe Falls.  Beginning at 10 am there will be a welcoming, an opening, and discussion of Avanyu as Water is Life.  During lunch, there will be a discussion about sustainable practices.  For more information, contact Elder Kathy Sanchez, of Tewa Women United, at 505 747-3259, extension 1203.

From 6 to 8 pm there will be an Autumnal Equinox, Water, and P’oe Avanyu celebration at the Poeh Museum, in Pojoaque.  For more information, please contact Karl Duncan, at 505-455-5040, extension 5054.

Finally, on Saturday, September 23rd, the Gathering will be at the Pojoaque Pow Wow Grounds.  The Gathering site is 1.8 miles west of the Hwys 285/84 interchange in Pojoaque, on Hwy 502, near the Pojoaque High School.  Please look for the signs.  Beginning with a 6:30 am sunrise blessing, a water blessing and talking circle will follow.  At 11 am, Andrew Kimbrell, of the Center for Food Safety, will speak.  At 11:30 am, a light luncheon will be served.  For more information, please contact Elder Kathy Sanchez, at 505-747-3259, extension 1203.

Elder Sanchez, invited everyone to attend.  She said, “We are asking everyone to be present with their whole loving energies at our beloved waters.”

For more information about the Gathering, please visit  And here is the event flyer:


Actions to Support the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

The first day for nations to sign the historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is Wednesday, September 20th, when the General Assembly of the United Nations begins its 72nd session in New York City.  Nearly two-thirds of the 192 members of the U.N. adopted the treaty on July 7th.  The schedule is available at  At a time when threats of nuclear war are so high, your actions to support the Treaty will make a difference.  A number of colleague organizations have created actions you can take to urge your leaders to sign the treaty, participate in the 2018 United Nations High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament, and do everything in their power to abolish nuclear weapons.

The treaty outlaws the development, testing, manufacture, acquisition, possession, transportation, or threat to use nuclear weapons, leading to their eventual elimination.  It stigmatizes these weapons of mass destruction in a manner similar to the international treaties that prohibit chemical weapons, biological weapons, anti-personnel landmines and cluster munitions.

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons states that the treaty “is a historic breakthrough in the efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons, and is a counter-measure to escalating tensions and increasing focus on nuclear weapons by the nuclear-armed states.  The treaty will set a powerful norm and impact behavior and policies even in states that initially do not join.”

The U.S. did not participate in the treaty negotiations.  Now is the time to make your voice heard.

First, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom has a petition campaign to the U.S. President and Congress that urges signature and ratification of the treaty.  It is available at

Second, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation has an open letter to the U.S. Congress urging action to prevent nuclear catastrophe.  You can sign electronically at

Third, the United Nations will hold a High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament in 2018.  Unfold Zero is urging people to send a letter, email or tweet to the President calling on the U.S. to sign the treaty, to participate in the 2018 High Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament, and do everything in his power to abolish nuclear weapons everywhere.  A sample letter is available at

Fourth, Tuesday, September 26th is the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.  Organize an event to show the documentary, “The Man Who Saved the World,” about when, at the height of the Cold War, Stanislav Petrov, a worker in a Soviet nuclear early warning center, prevented nuclear holocaust by going against protocol by not launching retaliatory nuclear weapons.  For more information, contact  

Fifth, read the Guardian’s September 6th article entitled, “No more nukes?  Why anti-nuclear protests need an urgent revival” at

Sixth, read LeRoy Moore’s opinion piece in the Boulder Daily Camera, entitled, “Is a nuclear war inevitable?”  Moore, Ph.D., is a consultant with the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center in Boulder, Colorado.

Seventh, read the 2017 Reaching Critical Will “First Committee briefing book,” prepared for the UN General Assembly First Committee on Disarmament and International Studies.  It asks the question, “What can [the UN General Assembly] do to actually prevent violence by dealing, in a real way, with the weapons that are sustaining the wars?”

And finally, talk with your friends and family.  Forward the Update to them.


More Public Outreach Required Before LANL Monster Permit Modification Proceeds

The Department of Energy and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) hosted a public meeting about four major modifications to the New Mexico Environment Department hazardous waste permit that would delay comprehensive cleanup of the large unlined dumps carved into the volcanic tuff and decrease protection of the regional drinking water aquifer below the site.  PMR August 30 2017 Public Meeting Slides[1] Please note that the LANL Slide No. 16 does not accurately reflect the two public review and comment processes – this one initiated by DOE/LANL, and the next one, a regulatory process initiated by the New Mexico Environment Department.  Public comments about both are needed.  Activists argue that this permit process must be stopped because the Environment Department has not developed and implemented the required public participation policy as required by the January 2017 resolution agreement between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Environment Department.

The four modifications, which are often called a “Monster Mod,” proposes major and significant changes to the final LANL hazardous waste permit issued by the Environment Department in November 2010.  DOE and LANL filed lawsuits in both state and federal courts to block portions of the permit.  Seven years of negotiations ensued resulting in a complex Settlement Agreement which requires modifying the permit.  CCNS was a party to the litigation, but did not sign the Settlement Agreement.

On a similar path, Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping (CARD), based in Albuquerque, challenged the hazardous waste permit for a proposed hazardous waste dump east of Roswell, called Triassic Park.  The Environment Department and the Applicant did not translate key documents into Spanish for limited English proficient individuals so they could fully participate in the permit process, among other things.  To correct the discrimination they encountered, CARD filed a Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 complaint with EPA.  After many years of EPA inaction, CARD joined with similar groups that had filed Title VI complaints, to sue EPA.  In January, EPA and the Environment Department settled the Triassic Park complaint by signing an Informal Resolution Agreement.  The 15-page Agreement requires the Environment Department to develop and implement a public participation policy that includes requires outreach to impacted communities.

Which brings us back to the LANL Monster Mod.  Three members of the public attended the meeting, clearly demonstrating the lack of outreach to the impacted communities.  Key documents have not been translated for use in Northern New Mexico.

Janet Greenwald, a CARD co-coordinator, attended the meeting and spoke to the lack of compliance with the EPA Informal Resolution Agreement.  She said, “The Environment Department has not informed communities downwind of LANL about the current proposal to modify LANL’s state hazardous waste permit.  This is not right.  The omission violates the intent of the recent Resolution Agreement between the Environment Department and the Environmental Protection Agency in Dallas.  The public process must be stopped until the required community outreach is completed.”


DOE/LANL Host August 30th Public Meeting about Less Cleanup, Less Groundwater Protection

The Department of Energy (DOE) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) are proposing less groundwater protection and less cleanup of unlined dumps containing radioactive, hazardous, and toxic pollutants under a permit modification they recently submitted to the New Mexico Environment Department.  Modifying the hazardous waste permit, as proposed, would allow DOE and LANL to continue to dispose of low-level radioactive waste at Area G as other dumps are closed, despite assurances last fall that they would stop; and prevent regulation of the 54-year old Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility as a hazardous waste facility; among others.

DOE and LANL are hosting a public meeting to discuss the permit modification on Wednesday, August 30th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos.

The permit modification is the result of federal and state litigation between the federal and state government.  In December 2010, DOE and LANL sued the New Mexico Environment Department over requirements in the final hazardous waste permit.  The parties recently came to a settlement in which DOE and LANL were required to submit a permit modification that reflects the settlement agreement.  The Environment Department Hazardous Waste Permit is available at  and the 312-page permit modification request is available at  The Settlement Agreement begins on p. 21 of the permit modification.

The public will have the opportunity to provide public comments to the Environment Department by Friday, September 22nd.  CCNS will prepare sample public comments for you to use, following the public meeting.

In 2010, CCNS also sued the Environment Department in state court because the final hazardous waste permit was not protective of groundwater and did not ensure the best cleanup of nearly 75 years of dumping, emitting and discharging pollution into the soil, air, and water, and by extension, into our bodies.  CCNS is a party to the hazardous waste permit litigation, but did not sign the settlement agreement.  The New Mexico Environmental Law Center represents CCNS.

Joni Arends, a co-founder and executive director of CCNS, said, “CCNS remains committed to critical cleanup of the unlined dumps that are leaking into our regional drinking water aquifer.  The settlement agreement and resulting permit modification support the myth that DOE and LANL know how to cleanup leaking dumps and protect regional drinking water supplies.  This is not the case.  DOE and its contractors have a long track record of failed cleanups at DOE sites across the country.”

Other threats to our health and safety from LANL, including fires, electrical problems, and near criticalities have been documented in the Center for Public Integrity’s five-part series called Nuclear Negligence.

Arends continued, “It’s time to get involved again.  To stay informed, please sign up on our website to receive the weekly Updates, and check out our Facebook page and Twitter feeds.”


Public Hearing DEFEAT BILL NO. 2017-22

The Santa Fe City Council will vote August 30 on a proposed ordinance that would strip away our rights to protect our health, safety, and property. It would enable the wireless industry to put cell tower transmitters on every block in front of people’s homes without their consent or their ability to object for any reason.
Bill No. 2017-22 would repeal most zoning regulations that now protect us. It would allow cell tower transmitters to be built
• on any street or sidewalk
• without a public hearing
• without notice to neighbors
• without notice to the public
• without an application
• without information regarding radio frequency radiation
• without proof of compliance with the FCC’s safety rules

Cities all over the country are opposing similar legislation. An Ohio law that repealed zoning regulations for wireless facilities throughout Ohio was challenged by 70 cities and was overturned by a court. A California bill that would do the same thing in California, S.B. 649, is being opposed by 216 cities, 34 counties, and 45 health, environmental, and consumer justice organizations.

Tell the Santa Fe City Council to VOTE NO
info: 471-0129


Reverend Barber Rocks Albuquerque at Poor People’s Campaign Moral Revival

Reverend Dr. William J. Barber, Jr., and the Poor People’s Campaign – A National Call for a Moral Revival, rocked the Central United Methodist Church on Tuesday night with singing, poetry, testimonials, and prayer to rekindle a prophetic moral vision for justice, social change and movement building.  With standing room only, the church was packed with more than 1,200 people, while many stood outside to listen

Speaking to the recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, Rev. Barber highlighted the interrelatedness of the issues we are facing.  He said working in isolation no longer works and we must together build a just, sustainable and participatory society.  He reminded the audience that we pledge allegiance to “one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.”

Rev. Barber is a Protestant minister, based in North Carolina.  He is the President and Senior Lecturer of the Repairers of the Breach, and a NAACP board member.

The Poor People’s Campaign is a movement to address the challenges we are facing today, drawing on the wisdom of and moving beyond Dr. Martin Luther King’s campaign of 1967 and 1968.  That campaign’s tenants were to address systematic racism, poverty, militarism, and economic development. 

In March, 1968, Reis Tijerina, of the The Alianza Federal de Mercedes (Federal Alliance of Land Grants), attended a key meeting in Atlanta. In May, 1968, he joined the caravan from New Mexico to the Poor People’s March on the National Mall in Washington, DC.  People of all races gathered to demand economic justice.  The march was held on May 12th, following the tragic assassination of Dr. King in early April.

Albuquerque was the campaign’s second stop on a 25-state revival tour, with an additional stop in Washington, DC.  Fifteen regional trainings will be held for 1,000 committed people from each revival tour state to use civil disobedience the way Rosa Parks did.  Her protest on the bus changed the race narrative.  The next stops on the tour are Topeka; Milwaukee; and Detroit.  To learn more and to sign the pledge, go to

Testimonials focused on the four areas of the campaign were given by a diversity of speakers from New Mexico, including Samia Assed, a Muslim activist based in Albuquerque; Arturo Uribe, a resident of Mesquite, who lives near a dairy; Todd Wynard, a Mennonite working on watershed discipleship in the Taos area; Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, working to obtain compensation and health care for the Trinity downwinders; and Monique Salab, an Iraq war veteran and member of the Veterans for Peace.  To view the livestream of the Albuquerque meeting go to or

Ms. Salab explained how her work for the abolition of war puts her in classrooms to talk about the lies of the military, the racism, the gender bias, and sexual bias.  She is particularly concerned about how the junior ROTC programs are “invading low income schools.”

Ms. Cordova received a standing ovation for her talk about the health, economic, and environmental impacts of the first atomic bomb test at the Trinity Site on July 16, 2017.  She explained that people have had to hold bake sales or sell cattle in order to pay for cancer treatment.

Mr. Wyndard, a Mennonite and a board member of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, said he was addicted to petroleum.  He called a “life destroying drug” and that we “sold creation for convenience.”

Mr. Uribe spoke of the negatives impacts of the 148 dairies to communities throughout New Mexico, including flies, dust, concerns about the safety of the drinking water, and the smells that prevent summer cookouts and other outdoor activities.  He also spoke about the nuisance lawsuit brought by attorneys who took advantage of the people and benefitted the most.  Despite it all, he said he is “proud and humble” and has a life “rich in family values.”

Ms. Assed bore witness as a privileged settler of sacred land and spoke about systematic racism.  Through her work opposing the Muslim ban and protecting freedom of speech, she has created bonds with brown and black mothers around the world.  She concluded by saying her “freedom is tied to everyone in America.”

The host committee for Tuesday’s fabulous community event was Dr. Harold Bailey, of the Albuquerque NAACP; the Rev. Holly Beaumont, of Interfaith Worker Justice – New Mexico; Sr. Joan Brown, of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light; and Joan Lamunyon Sanford, of New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.

#poorpeoplescampaign #moralresistance #unitethepoor #repairerofthebreach #concernedcitizensfornuclearsafety


Activists Invite Livermore Lab Director to Join Them at Nagasaki Commemoration to Discuss Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty

Members from more than three-dozen Tri-Valley, Tracy and Bay Area peace, justice and environmental organizations and communities of faith invited the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Director to join them at the West Gate to discuss the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  The activists visited the Livermore Lab Main Site on Wednesday, August 9th to commemorate the victims of the U.S. bombing of Nagasaki, Japan with an atomic bomb on that day in 1945.  It was the second U.S. wartime bombing; the first was on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6th.

Just last month, on July 7th, 122 countries, or state parties, adopted the historic treaty at the United Nations in New York City.  (The English version of the 10-page treaty begins on p. 17.)  One state abstained, and one voted no.  The U.S. did not participate in the final negotiations or the vote.

A new global majority took the steps necessary to establish an important new law and a new global norm.  The treaty prohibits the development, testing, production, manufacture, acquisition, possession or stockpiling of nuclear weapons, which is exactly what the Livermore Lab does.

In fact, 88.5 percent, or over $1,230,000,000, of Livermore’s budget request for fiscal year 2018 is for nuclear weapons activities.  These activities include developing a new W80-4 warhead for a new Long-Range Stand Off weapon and the new Interoperable Warhead-1.

Anticipating resistance from the Lab to meet, the activists acknowledged that national policies and behaviors do change over time.  They cited how South Africa, after coming under global pressure, dismantled its apartheid systems and rose in stature in the world.  They wrote, “So, too, may the U.S. and other nuclear weapons states accede to the treaty and come into compliance at a not-too-distant date.”

The Lab Director, William Goldstein, replied to the invitation saying he respectfully declined.  He wrote, “This topic is best discussed with the U.S. Government representatives at the UN.”

Marylia Kelley, of Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, or Tri-Valley CARES, replied that the UN is not the sole forum for discussing U.S. nuclear weapons policy and disarmament obligations.  She wrote, “Livermore Lab is a proper and necessary forum to discuss nuclear disarmament in general and the implications of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in particular.  Indeed, the nuclear weapons activities that Livermore Lab conducts at its Main Site in Livermore … make it not merely an appropriate location but an imperative location for this discussion.”

About 200 people attended the commemoration event, which was filled with speakers, poetry, music, and a die-in at the West Gate.  Forty-seven were arrested and given a court date of September 11th, 2017.